Parenting 101

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Lorelai and Luke woke up to a tapping. Lily sat there, her cap over her eyes. Lorelai was still tired, so she turned over, telling Lily how it was seven in the morning, and explaining the reasons for Saturday.

"Pre-rest?" Luke asked.

"Yes, it's very important. Rory almost believed me too, until she had one of her stupid lists." Lorelai said, trying to go back to sleep.

"Come on, Lily. How about that breakfast?" Luke asked, picking up Lily and holding her as he went down the stairs. 

He sat her in a chair, as he went to the stove.

"Fench Oast!" Lily yelled.

"What was that Lily?" Luke asked, trying to make Lily use her words completely.

"f-R-ench T-T-oast!" Lily said, proud of herself.

"Good job, cupcake." Luke said, giving her a high five,

Lorelai came down soon after, wanting coffee.

"Coffee, STAT." She said, dragging herself to the table.

"Anything else?" Luke asked, getting her a mug, to happy about Lily, to pester her about her addiction.

"Apple." She said, Lorelai suddenly slamming her hands on her mouth as she said it.

"What was that?" Luke asked, confused.

"I want a--- Apple?" Lorelai said, confused.

"Like a Pop Tart, or strudel?" Luke asked.

"No, an actual piece of fruit, and strawberry's too." She said, shocking herself.

"Well, good, I went and got some snacks for Lily the other day. Here, Apple?" Luke asked, thinking he was getting pranked.

"Thanks." She said, taking a giant bite of the apple.

"I have to get to work, but I'll see you later?" He said to Lorelai kissing her on the head, before placing Lily's  plate of French Toast in front of her.

"Thank you, Luke." She said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"You're welcome, cupcake." He said, grabbing his hat and leaving for work.

" So Lily, what do you want to do?" Lorelai asked, looking down at her daughter.

"I don't know? Cowor?" She asked.

"Sure, I would love to color!" Lorelai said, grabbing two coloring books from the cabinet.

Suddenly, as Lorelai came back with crayons, Lily was already coloring on a piece of paper.

"Lily, what are those?" She asked.

"Paper." was all that Lily said.

Lorelai, grabbed the paper, and turned it over to see her budgets for the Inn.

"LILY! These were important! You know what, you color, I have to go figure out a way to redo these papers." She said, grabbing her coffee and taking off to her room.

about 15 minutes later, Lily came back upstairs, poking at Lorelai's arm.

"What, sweetheart?" She said, acknowledging Lily's presence.

Lily suddenly handed Lorelai a note, saying Rory was at the door.

"Oh, Ok. I'll be right there!" Lorelai said, as Lily ran back down the stairs.

Lorelai grabbed a sweatshirt, before coming back down the stairs.

"Hey, sweetheart? What are you doing here?" Lorelai asked.

"Well, I thought we could watch a movie. I was thinking Willy Wonka. I brought all the snacks, including coffee." Rory said, handing Lorelai a cup.

Lorelai took a sip, disgusted.

"Mom, everything okay?" Rory asked, concerned.

"This coffee, is awful, and that means a lot, coming from me. Gosh, where did you get this?" she asked.

"Luke's, it says it right on the cup." Rory said, pointing to the label.

"This can't be from Luke's. I just had some coffee from Luke, and it tasted fine." She said, giving Rory her cup from the morning. 

Rory grabbed the cup from Lorelai and took a sip.

"Mom? That's decaf." She said, pointing to Lorelai's first cup of coffee.

"No, it's not!" Lorelai said

"Mom, are you feeling okay, seriously?" Rory asked, really concerned.

"Probably just a little flu, my tastebuds have been off a little too, and I got sick a little the other day, but it is getting closer and closer to December and sickness, you know, how it is." Lorelai said, grabbing all the food and setting it on the table.

"So, are you ready for a movie night?" Lorelai asked, excited.

"Totally!" Rory said, tickling Lily.

~ An hour later, they had to pause the movie for Lily to go to the bathroom.

"I need to make an email anyway, be right back." Rory said, grabbing her phone off the table.

Lorelai made her way to the kitchen and found a giant bunch of grapes sitting in a bowl. She quickly swiped one, before continuing to eat the whole bowl. Rory came out soon after, to see her mom eating fruit.

"Mom?" She asked, once again.

"I told you, tastebuds." Lorelai said, setting the bowl down.

They headed for the living room, when they suddenly heard a clash in the bathroom. Rory and Lorelai ran in to see Lily sitting in front of a shattered glass, scared. Suddenly, Lorelai just lost it.

"LILY, WHAT THE CRAP. YOU JUST BROKE SOMETHING EXPENSIVE,YOU COULD HAVE HURT YOURSELF, JUST GET OUT, RORY, GET HER OUT OF HERE! I'LL PICK THIS UP!" Lorelai said, screaming, suddenly Lily froze in fear and started to hyperventilate

"What's going on?, Why are you crying, lily? OMG, It's my fault. Rory! Call Luke, tell him to meet us at the hospital." Lorelai yelled, starting to cry.


An hour later, a doctor came out to talk to Luke, Rory, and Lorelai.

"Please, calm down. See, your daughter had a small panic attack, it was probably somehow involved with past experiences. You just need to be patient with her, and she'll be perfectly fine, but to be careful, I suggest a child therapist, it usually helps with children formerly in Foster care." The doctor said, shaking Luke's hand before starting to walk away.

"Mom, you should ask him to take some tests on that flu." rory said, pushing her mom towards the doctor.

"Umm... Sir, I was wondering, I have had a couple weird things happen lately, medically. I was wondering if you could run some tests to see if I'm like..." Lorelai started, getting nervous.

"Sick in any way, you look fine, but as we know the human eye doesn't see everything. Sure, come on in." He said leading her to a room

It wasn't ten minutes before Lorelai came out crying.

"Lorelai, What's wrong?" Luke asked, comforting his wife.

"I'm pregnant."

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