welcome to Stars Hallow, Lily.

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Logan and Rory sat in the hallway, waiting for each other to speak.

"So, what did you want?" Rory asked both embarrassed, and hurt ,that Logan showed up.

"Your earring fell off, I saw on my way back to my car." Logan said.

"Well, thanks. You can leave now." Rory said, angry at the reasons for Logan being in Stars Hallow.

"It's more than that..." Logan started.

"I came here to apologize for the explosion, but we're having a baby. Don't you think that's a sign about what's supposed to happen, Ace, come on. We belong together, and I believed that. But then I see that is a total of 3 weeks your here with him." Logan said

"Logan, we had our time, but it's over. You need to go and marry Odette, go back to France. It's time for both of us to move on, we're not in college anymore." Rory said, starting to walk away.

"Rory, I changed my mind. I want to know our child." Logan said.

"Ok, but once he or she comes out, you can't change your mind again." Rory said.

"I won't." Logan said.

"OK." Rory said, before going back into the office, leaving Logan in the hallway.

Jess sat on the couch, on the phone with someone. He quickly hung up saying goodbye.

"So, you're leaving?" Jess said, looking down in his hands.

Rory grabbed Jess's hand, and moved it, so she could sit next to him. Sitting there, her head on his chest, she lay listening to his heartbeat.

"I'm not going anywhere."


"Luke, let's go. The plane gets into Hartford in 20 minutes." Lorelai screamed up the steps.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Luke came down the steps in a shirt and dress pants.

"Luke, what the hell are you wearing?" Lorelai asked grabbing her purse.

"What? it's nice." Luke said.

"Yeah, but it's not you." Lorelai, grabbed luke's blue baseball cap, and put it on his head.

"That's better." Lorelai said.

They drove quickly trying to make it by the time Lily got to the airport.

"Hey. I wanted to ask you a question before we get in there." Luke said

"Ok. What's up?" Lorelai asked, turning into the airport.

"Well, I know you gave me this hat, but I was wondering if it was OK, if I gave it to Lily." Luke said.

"I would love that. Go ahead." Lorelai said.


When they arrived at the airport, Lorelai raided the gift shop. A small woman with red hair, came up with a small child. The girl had brown hair and blue eyes (Much like Lorelai's), she wore jeans and a flannel shirt. The girl was shy but did give both Lorelai and luke a small smile.

"Hi, lily." Luke said, kneeling down to Lily height.

"Hey'o" She said in a quiet, adorable, voice.

"Hey, I wanted to give you something." Luke said.

Lily's face went up and finally made eye contact with both Lorelai and Luke. Luke handed her his blue baseball cap, getting a small hug from Lily, before she put in on top of her head. The lady with red hair smiled before kneeling down to Lily.

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