" I must fix my past, before I live for my future."

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Jess sat staring at the paper for what it seemed like hours.

"I have a son, and it's SHANE'S?" He heard in his head over and over again.

Suddenly, someone ended up slightly kicking Jess in the foot, passing by.

"Dean?" Jess asked.

"Jess, what are you sitting on the floor, for?" He asked, helping him up.

"I... Umm..." Jess was speechless, he hadn't seen Dean Forrester in years, and somewhere out of the blue, he was the first one Jess saw during one of the biggest surprises.

"Are you okay?" Dean asked, again.

Jess couldn't handle words, so instead he just gave Dean the letter. Dean's eyes scanned it before looking back at Jess.

"Wow! What did Rory say?" Dean asked, hearing around town, they were back together.

"She doesn't know. I just found out, myself." Jess said, trying to breathe.

"Well, if I know anything, it's that you NEED to tell Rory, and the rest of your family. I know we have never been the greatest... acquaintances, but even though this kid is over a decade old, that doesn't mean you can't be there. You don't really understand it, until you have a kid of your own, look at your uncle with his daughter. The only thing I know more than that, is no matter what age, Rory and Lorelai will love this kid, you just have to tell them. Anyway, I should get going and I know this sounds kinda cheesy, but I'm sorry for all that stuff years ago, I just want Rory happy, and I really hope she gets that." Dean said, leaving.

Jess suddenly left, knowing there was two people he had to talk to before he went to Rory. He quickly ran up the steps of the porch, and banged on the door. A very sleepy Lorelai opened it, looking shocked.

"Jess what are you doing here?" Lorelai asked.

"I need to talk to Luke, and to you." He said, nervous.

"Come in. LUKE GET DOWN HERE!" Lorelai yelled, letting Jess inside the house.

Luke suddenly came down, his hair pulled back as if he was going to the bank.

"Jess? What are you doing here?" Luke asked.

"We'll get to that, but first everyone sits down." Lorelai said, going over to the living room.

They sat on the couch, silence filling the room before Jess once again could barely get any words out. He handed the letter to his uncle, tears starting in his eyes. Luke's eyes scanned the paper, his heart racing as he read it. A very anxious Lorelai followed over to Luke's spot and read the paper as well. The stress levels in the room suddenly doubled.

"Before you say anything, I want you guys to know two things. One, I didn't know till now. Shane just left for New York in High School, I didn't think anything of it. Two, Rory doesn't know yet, Ill tell her but I wanted to talk to you two first." He said, now contemplating coming to them first.

"Jess, I'm happy you came, but I don't know why this includes me over Rory." Lorelai, sort of asked.

"I was hoping you would try to make me understand why Shane didn't tell me. Luke had a very similar situation with April, but I wanted to know both sides, you told Rory's dad, but you must have thought about not telling him. Didn't you?" Jess asked, his palms starting to sweat.

"Well, Yes. Jess, this is big. One of the biggest decisions you are ever going to make, but if you take your relationship seriously, then you can't be wasting any more time here. Go tell Rory." Lorelai said, getting up.

Jess nodded his head, walking towards the door, when Luke stopped him.

"Any advice?" Jess asked.

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