OHHHHH.... Dette?

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Matt quickly pulled out his phone, and called Jess.

"Jess, Rory and I are going to the hospital. This Logan guy got hurt?" He said, hanging up.

"Thanks, ummm... damn it I don't have my car!" Rory said, noticing she walked here.

"No problem, I can call a friend. I met her the other day." He said.

Suddenly a car pulled up.

"Clara?" Rory said, shocked.

"Oh, hey, Rory. As cool as it is to see you, are we going to the hospital or not.?" She said, opening the door.

"Oh, yeah. Let's go."

In a matter of minutes, they were speeding through the streets to the hospital. The awkwardness was heavy, not knowing how Matthew knew Clara, but she knew this wasn't the right time for questions.

As they pulled up to the hospital, Rory and Matt saw Jess sitting in a chair, with bags of food.

"You came?" Rory said, happy and upset.

"He may be a jerk, but he is also a father, and I now understand that. Now, here is a burger and a coffee." He said, kissing her on the forehead, and walking over to hand food over to his son.

"Hey, what's Stuart little doing here?" Jess asked, remembering when he first met Clara.

"I'm not so little anymore, thank you. I happen to be a TA at the school, which is where I met your son, who called me." Clara said, having a comeback as always.

"Guys, whatever. Don't forget we're here because someone's IN THE HOSPITAL." Matt said, getting everyone back to this timeline.

"Yeah, guys. You can sit and eat, Matt and Clara. Jess, can you come with me, please?" Rory asked, wanting him there.

"Yeah, sure." He said, holding her hand.

As they got to the desk, a woman was yelling, and saying it was bullshit that she couldn't go through the doors.

"One second mam." The nurse said, to the upset lady.

"How may I help you too?" The nurse said, turning to rory and Jess.

"Huntzberger." Jess said, making Rory feel comforted.

"Yes, he's in room 14B, I'm guessing you are Rory Gilmore and your name, sir?" She asked.

Knowing she wouldn't let Jess go if he wasn't related to Logan or Rory, she just immediately reacted.

"Actually... it's Rory Mariano, this is my husband." Rory acted.

"Oh well, in that case, both of you can go right in there." She said, pointing to some doors.

"What? I've never seen this girl before, and she can go and visit my FIANCEE but I can't?" The lady said, still upset.

"Odette?" she asked, turning back around, shocked.

"Yes?" She asked, obviously, upset.

"Nurse, she can come with me, okay? I know I'm the emergency contact, but she is just as important if not more to Logan." Rory said, waving her hand for Odette to follow.

The three of them walked until they reached Logan's room. Suddenly all of them stopped, scared of what was on the other side of the door. Jess was comforting both woman, by opening the door for them, so they didn't have to. Inside, lay a very pale Logan, he was dirty, with a lot of wounds, he looked as bad as he did when they were here last, if not worse.

"What's his condition?" Odette asked a nurse, as she walked in.

"We don't know everything yet, we know he's stable, but we have no clue when he'll wake up, or..." She said.

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