I'm not going to dinner with Gloria Gilberts

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Lorelai and Rory Conv.

Lorelai: Hey Kid, How is the book going, I hope you are doing great. Luke wanted to know if you could come over soon to meet Lily.

Rory: The book's doing okay. I would love to have dinner, How about tonight at 7?

Lorelai: HAHA. Very fun with the Friday night dinners, but that works, see you there.

Rory: Great. Is it okay if I bring someone?

Lorelai: Sure I guess. Who?

Rory: You'll see.

End of Conv.

Rory quickly ran to the phone to make a call.

"Hello, this is Truncheon Books, Liam speaking." Rory heard over the phone.

"Hello, Liam, can I talk to Jess Mariano please." Rory said

"Sure, one sec." He said

"Jess! There's a girl on the phone for you. She sounds hot, so get your ass over here." She heard Liam yell, Rory suddenly giggled.

She soon heard Jess's voice.

"Vanessa, if this is you, I told you, it's not going to work." Jess said

"Jess, It's Rory." Rory said.

"Oh, umm, Rory, how... how are you doing?" She heard Jess saying, hearing something fall on the ground while he asked the question.

"Dude, that's my brand-new mug!" She heard another man's voice say in the background.

"Anyway... My mom and Luke are having this dinner tonight. I was thinking you could come, and we could tell them." Rory said.

"I thought they already knew about the pregnancy?" Jess whispered.

"Dude, you did not get some girl knocked up did you?" She heard Liam yell.

"No! Now shut up and go do your work, Liam!" Jess said, covering the speaker of the phone,

"Jess, I'm not talking about the pregnancy, I'm talking about the other thing..." Rory said.

"What other thing?" Jess acted delusional.

"You know the fact we're... you know." Rory said, blushing.

"We're..." Jess continued to joke.

"Dating" Rory finished.

"Rory, you don't know how long I've waited for you to say that." Jess says.

"So you'll be there?" Rory asked.

"I'll be there." Jess said hanging up the phone.

Rory was happy, she left to go get a dress in Hartford.

She browsed the aisles for an hour before finally finding a midnight blue dress. She grabbed one her size and headed toward the dressing room. The dress fit like a glove, but Rory started to cry thinking about what would happen once she got big and fat. She decided to buy the dress anyway. As she approached the counter, she saw a very familiar face.

"Lucy?" She asked.

"RORY?" Lucy said, going around the counter to hug her friend.

"How are you?" She continued.

"We'll im writing a book, and well I'm pregnant!"

"OMG Rory! Logan and you must be so happy!" Lucy said, giving her another hug.

"Well kinda." Rory said.

"What do you mean?" Lucy said.

"Well... it's Logan, and were both happy, just not happy together." Rory said looking down at her stomach.

"Oh, Rory. I'm sorry." Lucy said, finally starting to ring up Rory's dress.

"Thanks Lucy, but everything turned out great, I actually got this dress for a dinner with my parents and my new boyfriend." Rory said, a hard blush spread around her cheeks.

"Well, good for you Rory. It was so good to see you." Lucy said, before handing Rory the dress and helping another customer.


"Jess! What are you wearing?" Rory asked, stressed.

"Ummm... my normal clothes." Jess said, looking down at his jeans and white t-shirt.

"You were supposed to dress nice, this is an important dinner." Rory yelled, from the bathroom.

"Fine, I'll change but I thought we were going to the Danes/Gilmore house, not Gloria Gilbert's." Jess said, grabbing a dress shirt.

"I just want dinner to be perfect." Rory said.

"I know, but it's your mom. We probably won't even be eating homemade food, I won't be surprised if in the first ten minutes were sprawled on the floor eating food off of foam plates in your living room." Jess said, knowing the true life of Lorelai and Rory growing up.

"Ok, thank you. I love you." Rory said, giving Jess a kiss before leading him out the door.


Lorelai heard a knock at the door, she knew it was Rory finally here for dinner.

"Lily! They're here!" Lorelai yelled.

When Lorelai opened the door she was shocked to see the picture painted in front of her. She saw her daughter holding the hand of a man she knew too well.

"Mom?" She heard Rory say, waving a hand in Lorelai's face to bring her back to reality.

"Oh, Sorry. Come in." Lorelai said, still a little shook about her daughter's new relationship (?)

Jess quickly made his way into the kitchen, while Lorelai pulled Rory to the side.

"Rory? What is he doing here?, oh wait, I know, Luke invited him and didn't say anything, you just happen to walk into together. Never mind kid, No problem." Lorelai blabbed.

"Mom, I'm here with Jess, he was my extra. We're trying again on this whole boyfriend and girlfriend thing." Rory said, blushing.

"Rory? I don't want you hurt again." Lorelai said, not knowing how to feel.

"Mom, you know he's different now. He's not leaving, he even wants to help me raise the kid in here." Rory said, pointing to her stomach.

"But rory..." Lorelai started.

"Mom! Please just trust me this time, I'm an adult, I know what I'm doing." Rory said, not wanting to talk about this anymore.

"Fine, just be careful." Lorelai quickly said, before giving her daughter a kiss and heading into the kitchen.


Dinner was quiet mostly. Luke made actual food because they were still in small observation with the adoption center. They had burgers and salads, of course Rory and Lorelai's were left untouched. Suddenly it started to get late. 

"Before we leave, do you mind if I go for a smoke?" Jess asked.

Lorelai was annoyed with the fact that Jess still smoked, but Rory had slipped her a note to not judge, and that he was working on quitting. Only minutes later, he came back as Rory was hugging Lily goodbye. In rory's perspective, Lily was very unsocial, even though they were not actually related, many people said, that Luke acted the same way as a kid. Rory knew she didn't want to talk when the baseball cap Luke had given her would go over her eyes. Lorelai said it was a sort of comfort to Lily. Jess soon gave Luke a hug before grabbing his jacket. The jacket, for some reason , seemed to get stuck on the living room couch as he pulled suddenly a couple items dropped out, including a phone, a pair of keys, and a small engagement ring.

Everyone there saw the ring lay on the floor, and in one small moment it seemed the breath had been taken out of everyone's lungs.

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