Hills, Hospitals, and heart to heart's

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Rory knocked on the door of her old childhood home, the lights were off and the only sound was of the owl that slept in the tree. Rory knocked again, cold. Her eyes were red from crying and her cheeks were flushed white, she felt so alone. Finally, the door was opened and on the other side of the door was her mother.

"Rory, what are you doing here? I told you at the hospital that I was fine." She said, standing in the doorway.

"Mom, I made a mistake." Rory said, crying.

"Kid, come on in. I'll get us some ice cream." Lorelai said, now starting to understand the reason for her daughter's presence.

Lorelai came back with two pints of ice cream, and two giant spoons.

"Mom... I told him no." Rory said, crying.

"Rory, what exactly happened?" Lorelai asked, holding her daughter's hand.

"He... He told... Shane that... Matthew could stay with us, and I was a...a Jerk." She said, crying again.

"Kid, you're not a jerk, nobody just excepts a teenager out of the blue. Except maybe Luke. You need time to process, you AND Jess. Just relax, and let's watch a movie." She said, turning the TV on.

"What movie?" She asked.

"I thought we would watch Fatso, again." Lorelai said, laughing.

Suddenly, as she went to grab the movie, they both ran to the bathroom and got sick.


Jess was exhausted by noon the next day. Matthew had a lot more than Jess had when he moved to Stars Hallow. Jess had to move stuff around, to make room for the extra bed.

"You can sleep there." He said, pointing to a mattress on the ground.

"Ummm... Okay?" He said, throwing his last bag on the bed.

"Sorry about the actual bed, before Rory moved out, we were arranging things for the baby." I said, now suddenly thinking about the baby.

"So... Baby. How are you feeling about that?" Matt asked, suddenly acting extremely mature.

"Well as much as I wish it was mine, it just didn't happen and I'm okay with that. I'm going to be there, and I'm sorry I wasn't there for you by the way." Jess said, his chest hurting, thinking about all the moments he missed.

"So... are you hoping for a son?" He asked, interested.

"Actually... no. I want it to be a daughter, and I'm pretty sure it's going to be, It's kind of their thing." I said, laughing.

"Their thing?" Matt asked, confused.

" They're the Gilmore Girls, their lives could be a TV show if they wanted. Rory and her mother have no clue on how to raise a boy, something in the world would be off balance if that happened. Anyway, If you need anything, Luke is downstairs, I have to go to work, but I'll bring dinner home after." Jess said, grabbing his jacket, throwing Matt a key, and leaving.


an hour later, Rory and Lorelai were sitting on the couch eating out of ice cream pints and left over Al's pancake world containers.

"Hey, mom, where's lily?" Rory asked.

"She's at the diner with Luke. She likes to hang out there, I guess.

"Mom, are you okay?" Rory asked, knowing that Lorelai was still having a problem, with not being able to emotionally connect to Lily.

"What if I can't be a good mom? I mean, I thought I was good at it, or at least okay, and now... I don't know." Lorelai said, starting to cry.

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