8. Delicious but....

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I poured the yam flour into boiling water that sat on the stove tired as I began to mix. At this point I had finished with the Ewedu and the stew. The Amala was the hardest part of the cooking process. I was so tired already and the amala required a lot of strength.

I took the pot of the stove and dropped it on the ground to enable a more effective mixing process. I was about to mix when I heard Femi's voice again.

"I can do that for you if you'd like" I thought I heard him say.

"What?" I frowned, standing from my bent position. I didn't think I heard him well.

"I said I can help you if you'd like." He said, his brown eyes not leaving my frame for one second.

"Do you know how to turn it well? Because I won't appreciate any lumps." I said and he chuckled, stand up from the island chair he was perched on comfortably and walking over.

"You'd be surprised. Just go and rest and I'll take care of this." He said and I shrugged and walked to the nearest island chair I could find. I had to keep an eye on him so he wouldn't mess anything up.

I was a bit of a perfectionist.

I sat staring at him as he put the pot between his feet, holding it in place. Then he started mixing.

He was mixing the amala with so much expertise that I found myself in awe of his movements. His arm muscles flexed with each move he made and he looked so sexy even then, that I found myself licking my lips.

I couldn't help but imagine how it would feel to be wrapped in those arms of his. I knew I shouldn't have been thinking of him that way because he was the last person I would even want to be with, but my mind had other plans.

He finished mixing and took the pot back to the stove. He poured some water into it and covered it to cook.

There was a popular opinion that men that cook are sexy as hell. I just found that out to be true. I had to force my eyes away from him before I did something I would later regret.

"So it's almost done. I'll soon see what you're made of." He said, coming back to the island.

I chuckled. I wanted to pretend he didn't just say that.

"Femi. Just because you could turn amala does not mean your the Iron chef of the year. You still have no right to smugness." I said and he rolled his eyes.

He leaned forward, his eyes locking with mine "I would have you know that my culinary skills are off the chain"

"Please. You're only hyping yourself." I said and stood up, going to serve the food.

I switched off the gas and checked the amala. It turned out that he didn't mess it up as I was expecting. The mixture was very smooth. But that didn't mean that I thought he could cook.

I served his food in a plate, just how Yorubas like it. Amala on one side, Ewedu mixed with stew on the other. I got a bottle of water from his fridge and a glass, putting it in front of him. I took out a bowl and filled it half way with water and dropped it in front of him.

As I dropped the water, he smirked and shook his head for some reason, making a frown grace my face but I didn't say a word. I dropped his food in front of him and sat back in my chair, directly facing him.

"Where's yours?" He asked. I noticed he didn't make a move to touch his food.

"If you mean food, I'm not hungry" I said and he frowned.

"Then I'm not eating"

At this point, I wanted to explode. But as usual I decided to keep calm.

"What do you mean by that. You had me sweating it out here and you're saying you won't eat because I won't eat?" I asked dumbfounded. How childish could he be.

He shrugged.

"Then don't eat then. I've told you that I'm not hungry." I snapped and he sighed.

"Just know that I'm letting you off because I'm starving" he said and dug in.

As he got ready to put the amala coated with ewedu and stew in his mouth, my heart started to race thinking about what he was going to say about my cooking. I knew I was a very good cook but I didn't know what his definition of a good cook was.

The first ball entered his mouth and he swallowed. He moaned as his eyes closed. He opened his eyes again and took another bite followed by a more intense moan.

"This is really good" he blurted out with his mouth full. I exhaled and gave him a small smile.


"No, thank you. This is delicious" he replied making my smile grow wider.

"Well I'm glad you like it" I said and he smiled at me then went back to eating.

My phone rang from where it sat on the counter. My boss was calling.

"Excuse me" I curtly told Femi and excused myself to the living room area while hitting the answer button.


"Ama, how is it going? You're still there I presume."

"Yes sir. Apparently he hasn't forgiven me yet. But I'm perfectly fine."

"Okay good. My driver won't be able to come and pick you up. I hope you can manage on your own."

I sighed. Just great.

"Y-yes sir I'll find my way."

"Okay then. Have fun" and the line went dead.

My hands met my waist as I let out a deep sigh. I was exhausted and now I had no choice but to take a cab home.

I turned back towards the kitchen and saw that Femi had almost finished his food. I walked backed to the kitchen with my shoulders sagged. I was exhausted and the call from my boss just exhausted me all the more.

It was already 6:30pm and even though I also lived in lekki, my house was very far from his.

"So what's your verdict?" I asked casually.

"What?" He said, looking up from washing his hands at the sink.

"Do you forgive me or not. Surely you would after what you just ate." I said, leaning on the kitchen island.

He chuckled darkly and I knew that sound. The bright light of hope that I had suddenly began to dim.

"Your food is delicious. Unlike anything I've ever tasted, I'll give you that. And I thank God and you for making excess that I can store..." he said smirking "but forgiveness? No not quite yet"

I frowned. The rage in me started to build up again. I tried my best to contain it "Femi do you realize what the time is?. Traffic has started and I don't even have a ride home. If I don't leave now, I'll be on the road for hours."

Femi sighed and came to stand in front of me. He was three paces away and his vanilla scent filled my senses. "I have just two more conditions.."

"You go on a date with me." He said with a small smile.

I folded my hands not liking where this was going. I wanted to hear the rest.


"Kiss me"


And the eagle has landed.

Who wants to see AMA's reaction. I certainly do lol.

Anyway I hope you liked this chapter and please vote comment your thoughts and share to your friends.

Till the next chapter


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