13. In Denial

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Femi's attire above!!

Femi POV

I stepped into Tunde's house with my duffle bag in hand. I had already gone home to change to black sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Tunde was still in the process of healing and we decided to stay with him this weekend as support. I was sure that Kola was already there and I stepped into the sitting room to find that I was right. They were seated on the ground playing FIFA.

"Hi guys" I called to them.

"Hi" they dragged in unison, their eyes still transfixed on the screen.

I shook my head with a smile. They never pay attention to anything else when playing that game. I did it too sometimes. I went to my room in Tunde's house and dropped my duffel bag and came back out to meet them.

Kola and Tunde were now seated on the sofas drinking whiskey and discussing about the one thing they get high off of.


I plopped myself on the long sofa and they both stopped and stared at me.

"What?" I said.

"Where have you been Femi. I was calling you and your phone was switched off." Kola complained. Typical.

"So?" I asked. I didn't see the need for the interrogation.

"That's the point. Your phone is never switched off" Tunde chimes in. I examined both of them. They both looked suspicious of my whereabouts. It was really not a big deal.


Kola sighed "It's past ten Femi. You were supposed to be here two hours ago"

"I don't know what you guys want me to tell you o" I said trying to evade the conversation. I didn't want them to know I was with Ama. They would freak.

"Where were you guy?" Tunde asked. He was looking at me like he knew where I was but just wanted me to say it.

I sighed. I knew they weren't going to leave this matter alone. We told each other virtually everything so they weren't going to let this slide.

"I was with Ama" I said and waited for their reaction.

They both looked at each other. "Who's Ama again?" Kola frowned.

"Oh!" Tunde exclaimed, acting like a light bulb just came on in his head "Shawn's assistant?"

"Femi. What were you doing with Shawn's assistant?" Kola exclaimed.

I shot up from my position. I didn't like to be questioned. "Are you guys okay? Or are you now detectives?. What's with all the questions?"

"Come on Femi! You know, you know we are not supposed to be going after the clientele. You know this too damn well man!" Tunde whined. I didn't care what they thought but I just wanted this conversation to be over.

"You like her don't you? This is now more than attraction." Kola said and started laughing "Femi!"
"Tunde are you seeing this?" He said and took out his phone.

"Femi, what in God's name are you doing. You aren't usually like this man. You never go after business partners. You're risking everything for one measly-.."

"Tunde, you better watch your mouth" I spoke before I could get a grip of myself.

Tunde sat up from his slouched position "So it's this girl that's making you talk to me like that abi?" he said disappointed. I could still hear Kola chuckling.

I sighed. I did feel bad about the way I spoke but I knew that if he talked about Ama like that again I wouldn't take it from him. "Just don't talk about her like that."

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