Author's Note II

23 7 0

Hello guys!


Let me introduce new thangs*dancemove New thangs!*dancemove
New thangs!*dancemove
Upss, Sorry 🤭 *kpopdetected

Ehemm, *ceksound *withabrightsmile

Hi guys! I'm Hirainfab, it's my first story that I published. I don't know why I choose this story to publish first than another my story, but I hope you can enjoy the story. I'm sorry if this story have a lot of mistake. Hirainfab is just an amateur writer, guys :D

P.s Lovefingersign for you:*

Published: 31 Maret 2020

Meeted You was a Gift for MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang