Chapter Two.

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VERONICA SIGHED AS SHE heard her father pound on the door of her room. He just woke her up from a great nap and to say she was peeved would be an understatement.

"Veronica wake up and get ready now. We are having dinner with the captain so try and look nice for once." He said before she heard his footsteps fade down the hallway.

"Veronica wake up were having dinner with the captain blah blah blah." She mocked him as she got up and walked towards her bag which layed on her dresser.

She took her time to put up the clothes she had brought with her.

Finally she pulled put a long red dress with off the shoulder sleeves, red gloves, and black heels. She applied a small amount of make up and put her naturally straight hair in a fancy updo.

This was the best her father was getting .

The girl glanced at the time and muttered curses under her breath as she noticed she was seven minutes late. Her father was going to have her head.

She ran out of the room and towards the dinner hall as fast as she could on heels.

After telling several apolagies for pushing people out of her way she finally made it.

Brushing off her dress as she entered the room she offered her father, the captian, and the several other people at her table an apolagetic smile.

"Im so very sorry im late, I just couldn't decided on a dress."  Veronica said as she took her seat next to her father.

He was getting ready to scold her when a womans voice spoke up to her left.

"Your fine dear, beauty takes time." The woman smiled at her before holding out her hand. "The names Molly."

"Veronica." Veronica smiled as she shook Mollys hand.

A waiter came out and gave them their food, it was apparent that Veronicas dad ordered for her.

Her father then leaned over and spoke in her ear so no one would hear.

"She's new money." He scoffed before leaning back to his seat and sipping his wine.

"She is kind." Veronica mumbled back and ignored the glare she recieved.

Later into the night Veronica spoke for the first time since she arrived.

"So Mr. Andrews." She spoke up getting his along with the rest of the tables attention. "They say this ship is unsinkable. Is that true?" She asked him curiously.

"Not the time Veronica." Her dad grumbled over to her.

"Oh no it's fine sir." Mr. Andrews sent a smile to him. "Yes, what they say about the ship is true. Not even god himself could sink this ship." He smiled proudly.

"That's great. You must be very good at what you do." Veronica smiled polietly  at him.

"Thank you Ms. Veronica." He smiled at her.

With that said the night continued on.

Suddenly feeling rather hot Veronica excused herself from the table and made her way to the deck to get some fresh air.

After minutes of standing there leaning over the railing of the boat to get a better view of the ocean the girl felt eyes on her.

Turning to her left she made eye contact with a rather attractive young man.

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