Chapter Five.

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REGULUS STOOD IN FRONT of the mirror in Mollys room examining himself

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REGULUS STOOD IN FRONT of the mirror in Mollys room examining himself. He had to admit, he looked good.

"I was right, you're the same size as my son." The lady smiled as she walked over and fixed his jacket a bit.

It was just a plain black suit and white bowtie paired with black dress shoes.

"Thank you Molly, seriously you have no clue how much this means to me." He returned her smile.

"Oh nonsense it's the least I could do." She scoffed. "But I'm telling you now, if you hurt her I'll have your head." She added which made Regulus gulp.

Molly laughed before walking towards the door.

"Let's get going shall we? It's already six thirty and you want to be there before her correct?" She asked.

Regulus nodded his head with a smile before following her out of the door.


VERONICA TOOK A DEEP breath as she added one last curl to her hair. She was nervous for tonight, so many things could go wrong. All involving her father.

Unplugging the curling iron she sat it to the side before walking into her bedroom and slipping on her hills.

Before she walked out the door she stopped infront of the body length mirror and smiled.

She looked amazing in a floor length royal blue dress, the sleves were off the shoulder and gems were on the chest area. She paired the dress with a pair of black heels and an expensive silver necklace she had gotten for her sixteenth birthday.

Quickly she fixed her earings before walking out of her room and making her way towards the dining hall.


REGULUS WALKED INTO THE dining hall with Molly on his arm and a smile on his face. He was excited to see Veronica and couldn't help but glance around the room in hopes of finding her. He had no luck.

"I'll be right back i'm going to say hello to Robert." Molly said before walking off towards the man himself.

Regulus just stood there not knowing what to do, he glanced up at the stairway and his breath got caught in his throat.

Veronica stood at the top of the staircase, her eyes glued to him as he gaped in awe.

He decided right then and there he had never seen anything more perfect. More precious. He wasn't going to let her go. Ever. Wherever she went after they made it to New York he would be with her everystep of the way. That's if she would have him of course.

She gave him a smile that made his knees weak before descending the stairs and meeting him at the bottom.

"Well dont you look handsome" she said as she linked her arm with his.

Ignoring the shock of electricity that went through his body at her touch he smiled down at her and started to lead them the way Molly went.

"You-" the boy stuttered "I have no words to express how beautiful you look right now." He breathed out as he looked into her eyes.

Veronica blushed and looked down before looking ahead of them, her smile instantly vanished.

"Father." She nodded stiffly to him.

"Veronica, Mr. Blaze." he returned her nod.

"It's Black actually." Regulus corrected him.

Robert gave him a fake apologie and walked off towards the captains table causing Veronica to roll her eyes.

Molly linked her arm with Regulus free one and started pulling the young couple towards the captains table.

"Just act like you own a gold mine and you'll fit right in" she whisped to Regulus as they sat at the table.

Dinner went by smoothly, no one really questioned Regulus about his money situation.

The main conversation was focused on Robert and his life which made Veronica roll her eyes.

When dinner finally came to an end Veronica and Regulus were very thankful.

"Ok gentlemen, who all is coming?" Robert asked as he stood from his seat.

After dinner all of the men usally went to a room and smoked cigars for hours.

All of the men gave quick nodds before telling their wives goodbye and waking off.

"Regulus will you be joining us?" Mr. Andrews asked after noticing the boy made no move to follow them.

"No sir, thanks for the offer though." He replied with a smile.

Mr. Andrews then walked off and Veronica turned to Regulus.

"So what now?" She asked as she looked into his eyes.

A smirk slowly made its way onto his face as he took her hand and stood up.

"How about I take you to a real party?"

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