Chapter Ten.

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THE SECOND THE COUPLE hit water they were pulled away from eachother due to the force

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THE SECOND THE COUPLE hit water they were pulled away from eachother due to the force. They tried to hang on to the other, despretly reaching out. But they had no luck.

They were no longer together and the thought of that sent fear all throughout their bodies.

Veronica re-surfaced with a gasp. She had never been so cold in her life. It felt as is someone had shoved her into an ice cube and then threw the ice cube into a freezer, but ten times worse.

"Regulus?!" She yelled out as loud as possible. Due to the screams her shout sounded like a whisper.

"REGULUS?!" She screamed as loud as possible.

And that's what she did for several minutes, yell out the name of the man she couldn't loose.

"VERONICA?!" Someone shouted from a distance.

"REGULUS." she yelled again as she started to swim closer to the yell. It was like a game of Marco Polo.

"VERONICA." this time the voice was closer, way closer.

And then she saw him.

He was looking around frantically for her. She noticed the look of terror on his face and only then did she realize how much she meant to him.

Quickly she swam forward.

"Regulus!" She yelled again.

The boy instantly snapped his head over to her and from the distance he looked her over for any injuries.

"Thank God." He mumbled as he swam to her an pulled her into his embrace.

"I love you so much." Veronica cried into his neck. She was so happy he was okay.

"I love you too darling." He squeezed his eyes shut to prevent any tears from falling out. He had to be strong. For her.

"Common." Veronica got out between chattering teeth. "We must get out of the water, quickly."

The two looked around for anything they could use as a float. They couldn't feel their bodies at this point.

"There!" Regulus pointed out to something.

As they seem closer to it Veronica realized what it was.

A door.

"Here you first." Regulus said as he helped her onto the door with shakey hands.

When she was secure he tried to climb on but the door flipped them both off.

Again he helped her on.

"Come on." The girl tapped the space next to her but Regulus shook his head.

"No, it won't h-hold us b-both I'm fine down here." He barely got out.

Veronica looked im in the eye.

"Regulus Black if you don't get your ass up here I'm getting in the water with you. I'm not gonna let you freeze to death." She told him sternly.

He tried again.

The door tipped over.

Her tried three more times and had no luck.

But finally, by some miracle, he got on the door.

Veronica cuddled into his side and he wrapped his arms around her. They were both desperate for some sort of warmth.

They sat there for what felt like hours, but reality was only minutes, before someone spoke.

"I remember the first time that I saw you." Regulus started. "I'd never seen anything so perfect. I remember thinking that I had to have you or I'd die... then you whispered that you loved me, and I felt so peaceful... and safe... because I knew that no matter what happened, from that day on, nothing can ever be that bad... because I had you. And when I first looked into your eyes, I felt at home. Like you were all I would ever need. Tonight I realized I can't loose you. Not now not ever. So I need you to hold on for me alright? A boat will be here soon just- just please don't leave me." He stuttered on his words every now and then due to the cold.

Veronica would be crying if her body wasn't frozen from head to toe.

"Reggy that was beautiful, I fell the same way." She gave him a weak smile which he returned before kissing her forehead.

"I love you." He mumbled.

"I love you too. Always."


"AND I CAN'T HELP falling in love with you." Veronica sung quietly to herself.

They had been on the door for almost an hour now, it was getting harder and harder to stay awake with every second that passed.

She continued to sing and play with Regulus's hand when all of a sudden she heard a yell.

"Is anybody out there?!" Someone shouted from the distance.

She slowely turned her head and almost cried when she noticed a boat heading their way.

"Regulus" she whispered as she shook him slightly.

No response.

"Regulus." She turned over to him and shook him harder.

Still no response.

Panic instantly struck the girl and she sat up, causing the door to almost tip over.

"Is anybody out there?!" The voice shouted again, farther away this time.

"Regulus!" She shook him harder before placing her hand on his cheek.

Finally, he gasped awake.

"Thank God." She cried in fear.

"I'm okay I promise." He mumbled as he leaned up and kissed her.

"T-theres a boat." She stuttered.

His eyes grew wide as he looked over and noticed the boat which was going away.

"We have to-" he started but Veronica cut him off.

"Hey!" She yelled but her voice came lut as a meat whisper.

Regulus looked around and then noticed something that could help.

A whistle.

"Common I have and idea." He said before grabbing her hand and pulling her off the door.

They both gasped as the cold water but they had to be quick.

The second they made it to the man with the whistle Veronica took it out of his mouth and blew as hard as she could.

After several blows a flashlight shined onto their faces.

And then they knew they had been saved.

2 more chapters left whoop whoop!

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