Chapter Nine.

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I'm not leaving you.

VERONICA AND REGULUS shared a look of panic

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VERONICA AND REGULUS shared a look of panic.

He quickly sat her down onto the deck before grabbing her hand and running off towards the scene.

"Mr. Andrews!" Veronica called out for the man who she knew would have answers.

They conditioned looking but never found him, in fact most people seeamed calm.

"Captain!" Regulus yelled as he spotted the man, quickly dragging Veronica over to him.

"What happened?" Veronica asked him quickly.

"Look kid there is nothing to worry about okay? There was just a bit of a collision but I'm sure we will be fine." He reassured them but Veronica knew he was lying. She could see it in his eyes.

The young couple ran into the buliding and were instantly stopped by a man giving them life jackets.

"Here, it's just for precaution." He said.

Veronica grabbed on to Regulus arm and started to drag him towards where the rooms were.

"Where are we going?" He asked her.

"My fathers room." She told him before walking faster.

He didn't question it any further and just let her drag him along.

They soon reached Roberts room and the girl quickly opened the door and shut it behind them.

"Father" she called out.

After receiving no reponse she rushed into his closet and pulled out a tux.

"Why do you need that?" Regulus asked confused.

Veronica walked over to him and put her hands on his face.

"I need you to listen to me okay?" She told him worridly. "I know the captain, he lied to us back there. I'm no ship expert but I do know that what happened will not have a good outcome. I know how these things work and it's cruel, in the worst case scenario the ship sinks correct?" She asked him causing him to nod. "If the boat starts to sink they will pull out the resue boats, Mr. Andrews once told me that we don't have enough for everyone on the ship. They let women and children board first, and then the wealthy men. If your a man in lower class, and I'm not trying to offend you in any way you know that, they don't let those men on. They get left to die." She took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm not going to leave you here, me and you right? Forever? So your gonna put on that tux and we are gonna get out of here. Alive and together." She told him confidently before walking over to the tux and throwing it at him.

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