Chapter Six.

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The Party.

"SO HOW ABOUT I TAKE YOU TO A REAL PARTY?" Regulus smirked as he held out his hand for her to take

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"SO HOW ABOUT I TAKE YOU TO A REAL PARTY?" Regulus smirked as he held out his hand for her to take.

"A real party?" She asked intrigued as she took his hand and let him pull her up.

Regulus just smiled before dragging her away from the dining hall.

Now the real run begins.


VERONICA BROKE INTO a fit of giggles as she watched Regulus swing the little girl around.

Regulus had taken her to a party on the lower class deck, apparently they had one every night.

They had only been there for about fifteen minutes when a little girl, around age seven, approached the two and asked Regulus to dance with her.

Of course he said yes.

Now Veronica sat on a barstool with a smile on her face as she watched Regulus interact with the young girl. He was good with children.

He caught her eye and gave her a bright smile before leaning down to the child.

"I'm gonna go dance with her now ok." He said as he nodded towards Veronica.

The little girl, who's name was Nadia, giggled and slipped over towards Veronica.

"He said he wants to dance with you now." Nadia whipered as if she was telling a secret.

"Really? With me?" Veronica asked in fake shock as she glanced over to Regulus who looked to be waiting for her on the dance floor.

Nadia nodded her head widely before pushing Veronica towards him.

"Go before he finds someone else to dance with!" The little girl instructed.

Veronica laughed before walking over to Regulus and taking his hand.

"You know Mr. Black." she started as she looked up into his eyes. "I've never been the best dancer."

He smiled and pulled her closer to his body.

"That's why I'm here." He said as they started to sway back and forth.

It wasn't a slow song, but they danced as if it were.

They did that for about two or three songs before a really upbeat song came on making Regulus eyes light up.

"This is my song!" He cheered in happiness as he pulled away from her and started to roll his shoulders around in an attempt to dance.

Veronica had to admit, it was hot.

She laughed in pure joy as he took her hand and spun her around.

"Teach me how to do that!" She yelled to him over the music.

"Do what?!" He yelled back.

"That! That shoulder thing!" She yelled as she tapped his shoulder.

"This?" He asked before doing the move again.

Veronica nodded with a laugh.

And so he taught her. They spent the rest of the night dancing and laughing. Having the time of their lives.

They could have lived in that moment forever with big smiles and happy laughter, no worries about the tragedy that was to come.

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