Chapter Eleven.

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"THANK YOU." VERONICA smiled at the man who handed her a mug.

They were now on The Capathia, which was the boat that took in all of the Titanic survivors.

She was currently leaning against the ship railing, which she did alot on the Titanic.

"You know, I don't know what I would have done if you wouldn't have woken up." She told the man who had his arms wrapped around her waist.

"Let's not think about it darling." Regulus whispered into her ear before kissing her temple.

There was no sign of Robert anywhere on the ship which led Veronica to believe he never made it. He was horrible to her, she shouldn't have been sad. But she was.

"So." Regulus started as he turned her around in his arms. "Where to now?" He asked.

"I already told you." Veronica smiled as she looked into his eyes. "Anywhere with you."

The two leaned in and shared a passionate kiss but were soon interupted when someone cleared their throat.

The young couple slowely pulled away with smiles on their faces.

"Oh my god!" Veronica gasped as she realized who had broken them apart.

Rushing forward she jumped into the boys open arms.

"Jack you alive!" She laughed in happiness as the boy spun her around.

"I'm alive?" He questioned with a laugh. "Of course I am you saved me." He smiled at her before sitting her down and pulling Regulus in for a hug.

"I'm so glad you guys are okay." Jack smiled at the two.

"You too Jack." Regulus happily replied.

"Who's this?" Veronica asked referring to the girl who joined Jack's side.

"This is Rose, she helped me once I got here." Jack smiled at the red head dreamily.

"I'm Veronica Harper." Veronica smiled and pulled the red head into a hug which she hesitantly returned.

"Rose." She smiled at Veronica.

"Well, I don't know about you guys but I'm starving so how about we go find food?" Regulus asked as he threw his arm over Veronicas shoulder.

Everyone agreed and they four friends walked off.

Veronica looked up to see the smile on Regulus's face and fell in love all over again.


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