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"MOMMY! DADDY!" three year old Everleigh Rose Black yelled as she ran into her parents room

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"MOMMY! DADDY!" three year old Everleigh Rose Black yelled as she ran into her parents room.

The couple quickly jumped apart and Regulus moved back to his side of the bed.

"Yes hunny?" Veronica asked as she tried to keep her breathing even.

"Can I feed Elijah this morning? He's awake." The little girl smiled at the thought of her newborn brother.

"Of course pumpkin just let mommy and daddy get dressed first okay?" Veronica said as she smiled at her daughter.

"Yay!" Everleigh clapped before running off.

Regulus leaned back and sighed in relief.

"That was close" he chuckled before looking over at his wife.

"Very" she laughed along with him.

Regulus leaned over and kissed her passionately, just as he was about to climb on top of her again she broke their kiss with a smile and pushed him away causing him to frown.

"Tonight, right now we have a baby to feed." She laughed at his disappointed face before jumping out of bed and throwing on her clothes.

Regulus groaned at her teasing before copying her actions and getting dressed.

Veronica quickley made her way into her sons room with a smile on her face.

"Hello love." She whispered as she picked up the two month old.

Elijah smiled at his mother and started to pull at her hair, his smile then grew as he looked at something over her shoulder.

Regulus had walked in with Everleigh on his hip.

"Hi Lijah" Everleigh waved at her baby brother.

Regulus walked over and wrapped his free arm around Veronicas waist.

Just as he was about to kiss her the doorbell rung.

"I'll get it, you feed Eli." He said before walking out of the room with their daughter.

Veronica quickly fed her son and changed his diaper and outfit before going into the living room too see who had stopped by.

"Hi aunt V!" Lillian Dawson, Jack and Roses four year old daughter said when Veronica walked into the room.

"Hello sweetheart." She replied as she hugged the young girl.

"Hello Veronica" Rose smiled brightly as she laid eyes on her best friend.

"Rose" Veronica nodded with a smile and she pulled her in for a hug, careful not to crush Elijah.

"Here I'll take him." Regulus said as he took his son and held him close to his chest.

"Jack!" Veronica cheered with a smile as the man pulled her in for a hug.

"Hey V." The man smiled at his best friend.

"Thank you so much for babysitting tonight." Rose told the Black couple.

"Oh it's our pleasure, we love having Lily around." Regulus smiled.

At that moment Everleigh and Lillian ran last the adults blabbering something about a tea party.

"And so does Everleigh." Veronica chucked as she watched her husband lay the baby on his play mat.

"Well we better get going if we want to make our reservations, see you guys tonight." Rose smiled at the two before walking out of the house.

Jack walked out after his wife but not without saying one last "Thank you."

After they left Veronica walked into the kitchen and started to wash the dishes.

A few minutes later a pair of arms wrapped around her waist causing her to turn off the water and turn around.

"I love you." He said as he looked down at the love of his life.

"I love you too." she smiled up at him, looking deep into the eyes he shared with their two children.



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