Chapter Eight.

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I love you.

THE NEXT DAY Veronica didn't get to see Regulus due to her Father wanting to plan the dates for the upcoming month

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THE NEXT DAY Veronica didn't get to see Regulus due to her Father wanting to plan the dates for the upcoming month. He wanted to spend less than a month in New York and then they would travel to Ireland to start his new business.

The whole day Veronica had thought of Regulus. His eyes. His hair. Just Regulus. And that's when she had an idea. A wonderful, awful idea.


ON SUNDAY APRIL 14TH Veronica woke up with a smile on her face and a skip in her step.

She was going to spend the whole day with Regulus as her father didn't need her asistance anymore.

She headed towards the deck, where she knew she'd find him.

After about ten minutes of searching she finally laid eyes on the curled headed boy.

Veronica quietly snuck up behind him before standing on her tiptoes and putting her hands over his eyes.

"Guess who?" She whispered in his ear.

"Mom?" He asked suprised causing her to to burst into a fit of giggles.

He turned around with a smile on his face and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"Good morning darling." Regulus said as he brushed a piece of curled hair out of her face.

"Good morning" she smiled.

"I missed you yesterday." He told her causing her to nod in agreement.

"It was so boring" she rolled her eyes causing him to laugh.

"Well how about we do something fun?" He asked her causing her eyes to light up in excitement.

"What is it?" She asked happily.

"Well we could either A.) Go lay on the boat deck and just talk. Or B.) We could do something bad." He smirked at the last part.

"Something bad?" She returned his smirk.

Regulus hummed in response before grabbing her hand and running off.


"WE HAVE TO STAY SILENT." Regulus told her as they sneaked into the room.

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