Chapter Four.

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VERONICA GULPED AS her father moved his gaze from Regulus to her

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VERONICA GULPED AS her father moved his gaze from Regulus to her.

"I said who is this?" He spoke sternly.

"Father this is Mr. Black, he saved me from falling off the boat earlier." She lied. If she were to tell him the truth she knew her father would never let her near him again.

"Is this true?" Robert asked Regulus who was uncomfortable under the mans gaze.

"Yes sir." Regulus played along.

"Oh." Robert mumbled. "Well in that case thank you for your service's but me and my daughter must be going now." He added before he harshly grabbed Verinicas arm and starting to try to drag her away.

"Father wait." She told him as she escaped his grip. "I believe Mr. Black deserves a reward." She said.

Robert raised his eyebrow at her. It was like he was asking her if she was serious. As if the man didn't deserve a reward for saving his daughter. Even if he didn't, but Robert didn't know that.

Noticing his daughters look he pulled out his wallet with a sigh.

"Here, take a twenty." He held out the money to Regulus.

"You can't be serious, is my life actually worth a twenty to you?" She gaped at her father.

She wasn't actually surprised surprised of course, she just wanted to see what he would say.

"Of course not" Robert scoffed. "I'll tell you what, how about you attend dinner with us tonight at the Captain's Table?" He asked Regulus.

Regulus hesitated before glancing at Veronica who gave him pleading eyes, well, he would like to spend more time with her.

"See you there, what time?" He smiled at the man.

"Seven, don't be late." Robert said before grabbing his daughters arm and dragging her away.

As she was dragged away by her father, Veronica glanced over her shoulder and gave Regulus one last wave before disappearing out of sight.

Regulus stood there wearing a dreamy smile on his face as he wached her disapear, she was definatly something.

A tap was placed on his shoulder amd he turned around to come face to face with a lady.

"Hi I'm Molly, a friend of Veronica. I couldn't help but hear the conversation and I was curious to what you would be wearing tonight." She asked him causally.

"What I'm wearing now." The boy shrugged as he glanced down attire.

"Oh no no that won't do." She shook her head before grabbing his arm and staring to walk off.

"Come on, I have something for you." She told him.

Regulus just smiled and willingly followed Molly.

Tonight would be a good night.

The titanic was the ship of dreams after all.

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