Chapter Three.

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THE NEXT DAY VERONICA awoke with a smile on her face

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THE NEXT DAY VERONICA awoke with a smile on her face. No matter how hard she had tried she couldn't get the man from the day before off her mind. There was something about him she couldn't quite put her finger on. Something about the way she felt when she was near him, she couldn't explain it.

After taking a nice hot bath and getting ready for the day the girl skipped downstairs for breakfast with Molly.

"Hello Mrs. Molly." Veronica chirped as she took a seat next to the woman her father deamed as "new money."

"Hello Dear, did you sleep well." Molly asked as she picked up her fork.

"Yes, did you?" Veronica poliety replied as she pored herself a cup of tea.

"I slept amazing, the beds in this place are very comfortable if I must say so myself." Molly said.

Veronica was about to agree but Molly spoke up again.

"Sooo, what happened when you left the table last night? You looked rather joyous when you returned." Molly asked with a knowing look.

"Whatever do you mean?" Veronica asked innocently. Molly didn't miss the way her eyes lit up when the break was mentioned.

"Oh really?" Molly raised an eyebrow.

Veronica just nodded in agreement as she bit into a strawberry.

"Oh okay." Molly said.

The two said in silence for about a minute before Molly spoke up.

"Who's the boy?" Molly smiled as Veroincas eyes grew wide at she words and she spit her water back in the cup.

"What boy?" She finged inocence.

"Oh please hun, I know what it's like to fall in love." Molly wiggled her eyebrows.

"I don't love him! We've only just met" Veronica defended herself.

"Ha! So there IS a boy!" Molly clapped her hands in excitement.

Veronica widened her eyes as she realized what she had said.

"No" she denied again.

"So it's a girl?" Molly asked curiously.

"No" Veronica denied again. "It's a bird" she finished.

Molly just raised her eyebrows at the girl.

Veronica gave in with a sigh.

"His name is Regulus." The girl admitted.

Molly smiled wide and was about to reply when Veronicas father joined the two.

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