Villan Kaminari x reader⚡️🍋

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You walked down a dark alley way to get back home as you had to work late, when almost a few block away you felt uneasy as you know thought somebody was following you. But when your turned around you saw no one. As you where about to make on your way again you felt a huge shock pulse through your body stunning you and making you fall unconscious in a second in front of a dark figure.

"Hehe, well that was an ez catch"

You woke up in a dark room lying on a big bed with a chair at your side. As you tried to jolt up you noticed that a very unique accessory was holding you back by the neck. A metal collar and chain. You were stuck trying to remember what happened until the door opened after a small clacking sound. Your kidnapper had arrived. He had a black head of hair with a bright yellow lighting bolt streak in the side, and was dressed in a all black suit. He looked about your age, a young adult. Luckily for you, you didn't see any weapons but still panicked."w-wha where am I? And who are you?" You rushed in questions.

He came to your bedside and sat in the chair after, retrieving something from the nightstand that you failed to notice in the far left corner of the room, rope maybe? "So much stress eh, I could take it away for you as a favor" you could just barely Make out a smile before he leaned forward. You winched in fear of your life only to be met with a soft yet some how comforting kiss. As you where about to push away from him. It was as if he predicted your actions and held your arms tightly."tsk tsk tsk you don't know what my quirk is so you should play nice hmm?" He cooed.

You thought it might had something to do with Electricity as that was the last thing you felt before going unconscious. WAIT how long had it been minutes,hours,DAYS. As you where lost in thought he laid you down and straddled you and started to remove your top. You tried to stop him but to no avail as he had ripped your (f/c) work blouse in the struggle and then restrained your hands by tying them together.'shit' was your last thought before he turned you over ripping off you skirt From the back. You tried to close your legs and crawl away but only to be stopped by a sudden pain on your left ass cheek as he had slapped it. Hard."Oof" he was rough.

You stopped struggling cause of the fear of his strength paralyzing you. When he had pulled your panties down you felt the cool breeze of his breathing as his face was near your special parts. "Arch your back" he demanded in a deep voice that made you weak. You obeyed. He gave your slit a small lick and then started to enter a finger making you hum softly. He added another curling them and started to eat you out Hungrily."ahhh~mmmph-" you tried to suppress your moans by dipping your face in the pillows. He then moved you on top of him. Creating the 69 position." Take it out and suck it" he demanded. you complied forgetting all about being kidnapped as lust clouded your thoughts.

He then continued to ravish you from below. You took his dick into your hand and licked the tip, fully taking him into your mouth."mhhhmm~" you moaned on him as he added another finger still curling then in a 'come here' but downwards motion. You noticed you both were bucking your hips as you came close to your climaxes. You where just about to cum when he then stopped and removed hisself from under your weak body and moved behind you again sticking his tip in then thrusting into you deeply making you arch your back and press your ass against his hips for support. "uhhhahhh~"you moan out."your so tight" he grunted.

As he fucked you roughly while playing with your breasts you bumped and grinded back into him. Creating more friction between you both as you moaned out coming back to your close orgasm. You screamed out as you spasmed onto his dick. A few seconds later he came inside of you while sending waves of electricity through your body then pulled out and came on your twitching whole. From the way he grunted you could tell he probably had an orgasm to. You both collapsed into the bed out of breath. Slowly falling to sleep.


I forgot to write yesterday😭

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