Shigaraki x villan reader💀 1k reads special!❤️

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(Lil bit of action😗)

You were roaming the city in search of the league of villains. They have done good work with terrorizing the city but they've been getting in your way. You wanted to confront them. You don't know how many times Shigaraki had asked for you to join but you were a solo rider so you avoided the group up until now. Taking out overhaul was part of your plan but they decided not to listen to your little warning to stay out your way.

You spotted Shigaraki outside a bank in a black jacket. Maybe you could spoil their plans like they did yours. You make your way down to the bank and used your destruction power to take down the whole roof on the bank killing most of the people inside. Civilians, villains and all. Then noticing kurogiri using his quirk to to help some of the villains escape. You jumped down from the concaving building watching the debris fall down all around you. You purposely landed a few feet a way from Shigaraki, you wanted to taunt him so you walked slowly towards him with a wide grin on your face, clapping your hands.

He glared at you finally realizing what happened to the bank." YOU CHEEKY BITCH!!" he yelled. "Mad much crusty ass" You laughed at him closing the distance more and more. Kurogiri then showed up and said that the police were almost here. He open a portal for Shigaraki. Shigaraki looked at you and grabbed your arm pulling you into the portal with him. Once you all were back at the hide out. He pushed you up against a wall grabbing the collar of your hoodie and pinning you to the wall next to the bar. "Heyyy it was just a small joke" you nervously giggled. "You stole my job and I destroyed yours." You smile went from nervous to demonic.

"Either we can keep fighting orrrrr... we can make a little peace" you turned your head down slightly to look at his groin. He knew what you meant but was still mad. He told every body to check up at the Infirmary and call it a day. He picked you up and threw you over his Shoulder and walked to what you assumed to be his bedroom. He went in and locked his door. Throwing you onto the bed. "Wtf take it eas-" your complaining was cut of by his chapped lips slamming onto yours. His tongue forced its way into your mouth before you could reject him.

He decayed your hoodie and undershirt away, leaving you in your bra and jeans. Pulling away he threw off his jacket and ripped off his shirt showing you his toned body and scarred neck. "You know you should really stop the bad habit" you huffed. "You know you should REALLY shut the fuck up" he growled back, walking over to his closet grabbing what looked like thick rope. 'THE FUCK?!?' You screamed in your head, you went you get off the bed but was pushed back roughly. He wrapped the rope in a way that prevented you from talking and using hands. You felt so vulnerable with your hands tied behind your back like that. You squirmed and huffed but gave up soon after. He pulled your pants down, while he was doing that you kicked his in the stomach missing your real target.

He stumbled back with your jeans in hand growling small curses holding his stomach. "Ok we'll see about all that energy after this." He pulled out his huge member and walked over to you. You tried to kick him again but he caught both of your legs spreading them wide fastly exposing the wet stain on your (f/c) panties. He hummed at the erotic moment and started sliding them to the side to get a good look at your wet folds, you tried to speak but the rope didn't budge. "Your dripping cunt doesn't Agree with those little protests hun" he chuckled evilly. He put his dick at your dripping whole and looked up at you.

He then pushed in fast filling you up making your back arch and tears sting your eyes as you groaned in pain. 'He's to fucking big' you started to cry a bit. He loved your expression when you were in pain it turned him on. You felt his dick throb inside of you. 'DID IT JUST GET BIGGER. FUCK!!' You looked down at the huge rod that was inside of you you saw a little blood on his veiny shaft. You weren't a virgin though. He started to thrust in and out slowly to let you adjust after he saw your face with a mix of pleasure and comfort he was ready to ruin it. He start to pound into you deep, his tip kissing your cervix making your walls clamp down on him.

This was to much you were about to cum because he wouldn't slow down. You clinched your teeth down on the rope and let out a aggressive moan as you came on his dick. He continued to pound you as your juices splashed onto the sheets. Your moans and screams were out of control because your were still cumming. He slowed down letting your high come down and to lift your leg up to his chest.

He tore off your bra, leaningdown gripping your neck. He then went back at his study speed slamming against your tight walls. He kept fucking you helplessly as you cried out arching your back because of your next on coming orgasm. His hand squeezed down on your neck and he bit down on the calf of your leg while you both were reaching a climax. He pulled out and came on your stomach while you squirted on the bed sheets, rolling your eyes back as his heavy dick left you.

You were about to pass out from exhaustion until he flipped you over and slammed back inside your sensitive pussy making you yelp. "What happened you were a bad bitch not to long ago kicking and shit" he huffed out of breath. His sweat dripped down his chin while he gave you a his infamous sadistic smirk. You tried to speak but the rope was in the way. He removed it for you to speak. "I said fuck you bitch" you chuckled. He got mad again and put the rope back on pushing his dick back in hitting deep. "If that's what you want then sweet cheeks" he growled.

You let out muffled sounds trying to get him to stop but it was cut off when he started hitting your deepest parts making you go off your rocker and scream in pleasure while trembling. He kept pounding but slowed down getting sloppy because he was a bout to bust his load, once he was close enough to making you cum, he sped up while you came and then pull out, he slammed into your tight asshole while your legs were shaking.

You laid there letting the scene unfold while you were to weak to even fight back as he came in your other hole, it felt to good for the feeling of your ass being filled get to you. Once he was done caking the inside of your ass in a thick coat of cum he pulled out and watched the white liquid drip out of your pussy throb. You drooled on the rope and blacked out right after.

1k reads special ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I'll post my requests in a few days cuz I'm lazy but thanks.

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