Overhaul x quirkless reader💘🌑

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    (Gun play!!⚠️)

Chisaki and you were out on a small mission to kill a few hero's and you ended up playing the bait, so you got caught. The pro hero went by the name of hawks. He captured you in his feathers. He flew with you in his hold and reached a point we're he had to stop because overhaul was attacking. You thought things were getting boring so you decided that you'd make your captor mad just a little though. You were held close to him so you decided to tease. "Ahhh... can you loosen up a bit I promise I won't attack you but these feathers are too tight, and you already took all of my weapons." You moaned in his ear. He glanced down at you, scanning your face for any hint of a lie.

'Guess he didnt notice my little voice change or just isn't fazed'. He thought you were innocent because you would have probably used your quirk by now so he let you loose of his feathers and held you around your stomach as he continued to fly down. You both came down from the high altitude and took a stop, it looked like a small construction site. "Hmmmm.....pee break?" You joked. He came up to you and asked why you were with the bad guys. "I just think it's fun but I don't get my hands as dirty as they do. But when good guys think they can just arrest or hurt me I have guns for that, I even still have one on me now just in case.

"You finished. He looked at you Suspiciously "Why not use your quirk?" He asked. " I-I......I dont have one." You hesitated. He smiled at you warmly and put a gloved hand on your cheek, you leaned into the hand with closed eyes, Comforted by it. Your plan was to play with him but he was actually a cool hero even though you hated them. The soft moment was broken up with a huge explosion going off. He had jump with you in his arms, using his wings to shield you from the blow. You both looked up to see the one and only, Overhaul. He walked out of the huge blaze with a menacing glare on his face. 'Oh shit I hope he didn't see all that' you internally panicked.

You knew he was gonna kill hawks if it was the last thing to finish off the mission. You clenched your jaw as you used all your strength to grab hawks jacket and pants throwing him as far as possible. He flew up before he could make impact with a metal pillar. "RUN!, he won't kill me but I'm telling you right now. If he lays a finger on you. Y-...you will die instantly." You literally screamed. "Your a cool hero and all and that means a lot coming from a villain so don't die till I kill you ok?" You weakly smiled. He frowned down at you but hesitated, he left because the place was coming down not because you said so.

Kai touched the pillars making the whole building collapse to try and trap him, but he escaped. Kai walked over to you and threw you over his shoulder, chills ran through your body at how calm he was after all of that. "Ok I was just playing babe, it was a joke. You know that right." You tried to reason but he only respond by squeezing your thigh tightly, it hurt but he sparing you at least.


You both made it back to the hide out and he took you up to his huge bedroom. He removed his mask and dropped you onto the carpet floor, even though it was soft It still hurt. You struggled to stand up because you hurt your leg in the explosion some how, it was like you sprained it. You supported your weight on the wooden table that was near you. He walked over to your weak form and pushed you back down to your knees and made you look at him, and oh boy was he mad, he looked like he was about to strangle you so you stopped making eye contact and focused on everything else in the room.

The wall, bed, tv? His hand gripped your jaw tightly as he dropped down to your level. And reached under your skirt, making you shiver. He grabbed the hidden gun in the holster and pulled it out. Looking at the dark (f/c) Glock 19. He let go of your jaw and you let out a sigh of relief as he did, but stopped breathing as he put the cold barrel to your temple rubbing it there slightly. "..." you couldn't even speak as he did so. You slowly tilted your head up to look at him.

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