Hawk x reader🦅💝

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(Nudes, slight deepthoating?⚠️⚠️)
~••Hawks POV••~

I was on my usual afternoon patrol when I ran into enji on his. I swooped down an decided I would go mess with him because I sweeped most of the area and he's going in the direction I'm going in. I enjoyed messing with him from time to time. "What now.." he grumbled lowly. "Just checking in on my fav hero~" I cooed.

I started walking next to him when I got a text Notification. I open it and saw my girlfriend laying on her back with he legs spread wide for the a nice view of what was like Niagara Falls in between, she was wearing the lingerie I bought her like a day ago.

But then more got sent, all with different positions but the same view of the masterpiece that she had in between. I looked around to see if anybody saw and then I looked up at enji.

You could tell he saw with that mild blush on his face but he had his usual stiff expression. I smirked and started to to hover off the ground. "I'm gonna call off for today as you can see..." I waved my phone in his face, but with the lock screen on.

"I have important business to attend to, K? Tootles~" I made my way over to the agency to check out....but more like raced. The huge bulge in my pants didn't make it easy, once I was done with that I soared home so fast I might have made a record.

~••Author POV••~

You frowned as he left you on read, you thought you have probably turned him off and that he wasn't into that thing.

You got off the bed and thought of an apology to say before he got home. Just as you were about to go to the bathroom to get cleaned up you heard the front door slam.

You went to go check it out as you wrap a robe around your waist but before you could even tie it, hawk was already up the stairs and throwing you over his shoulder before closing the bed room door.

He threw you onto the bed as he pulled off his t-shirt and jacket along with his gloves. He unzippined his pants, and pounced onto you. His face in the Crease of your neck as he moved his hand to explore the curves and mounts of flesh on your chest and body.

He groped your chest pulling the (f/c) lingerie off you and letting it drop to the bed once the band around your back snapped due to all the pressure. His breath was hot as he groaned and spoke in your ear, his deep voice making your core drip.

"You like being such a fucking tease huh?" He used one of his vermillion feathers to cut your panties to a shread. His fingers made their way down to your sopping wet flower. His other hand made its way to your throat as he squeezed lightly to threaten you.

"Answer me~" he pressed down on your clit making you shutter, his teeth nipping onto your ear. You were so wrapped in the feeling that you forgot he asked.

"I-I'm-...s-" you stopped talking as you felt his hand grip your small throat tightly. " spit it out... I'm kinda in a rush~" you whimpered as you felt his bulging member rubbing up against your thigh.

His dick was in his underwear but it was bulging past his fly with a wet spot of precum that soaked though the stretched fabric. You put your finger to his tip making him hum, you took a bit of precum off making him hiss at the contact.

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