Amajiki x short reader🦑💜

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(Tentacles and overstimulation⚠️)

You and Amajiki hung out a lot. You both got along well because of your very shy components he was your best friend at the time and without you knowing it he caught feelings, hard. You trusted  him cause he was like your hero, he protected you from bullies multiple times. Because of your height of 4'6 you got singled out for being a runt all the time. He help with the process of self doubt  as well. He was your go to cure for almost everything but you never thought of him seeing you as a lover only as a little sister so you let the thought of being in a relationship with him go.

You both were in your room talking about hero subjects when you decided to get a few snacks you went downstairs to grab a few. You got to the kitchen and looked up at the cabinet in disgust because you had to climb again. "Damned height." You muttered you got on top of the counter and leaned back a bit to open the door. Wrong move. You wobbled a bit and then fell off the counter 'to to late to scream for help' you thought as you embraced for impact. Only to fall into a male figure, you know this hug. Amajiki! You turned around to face him. "My hero.." you realize your faces were like an inch apart. You could feel his breathing. You both made eye contact for a moment before he closed the space kissing you softly.

He pulled away with a huge sorry look in his face. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him passionately as if you've been waiting for this day. He held your waist as you both kissed and picked you up making you wrap your legs around his hips. He carried you to your bedroom not breaking the kiss. Once he pulled away he said "l-l love you." You smiled in pure happiness. "I love you too" he pulled off his shirt and showed you his toned body, you put your hands up to trace his shape. You loved it, every last bit of it. He kissed you again and put his hands under your shirt to play with your breast. He loved your shape as well. After he pulled away a string of saliva connected you both.

He then Removed your shirt and bra in one go making your boobs bounce at the sudden action. He then moved to suck and play with your boobs again biting the buds every so often making you moan out and grip his hair. He moved down to remove your pants an underwear. After he removed them looking at your soaked and needy cunt he placed two fingers at your entrance and moved back up and kissed you as he pushed them in. You were a squirming and moaning because of his fingers filling your small pussy, so well imagine what his dick could do!! He was so turned on you could see it in his pants. he was holding back not wanting to hurt you. You wanted to be fair so you used your hand to palm at his erection, he was throbbing badly. You put your hand in his pants and pulled it out. You played with the tip as it dripped a large amount of pre-cum.

He Grinded into your palm lightly. You then moved your hand around his shaft and stroked it adding a bit of pressure, cause your grip was not very big. As you stroked him you moaned in pleasure as he curled his fingers hitting your g-spot you arched your back and cried out as you spilled on his hand. He lifted his hand and tasted your juices licking his fingers clean. "Mmhhmm~" he kissed you again and then got on top of your small figure. He aligned his dick to your entrance and pushed in making you want to scream in pain but you held it back by biting your lip not wanting to scare him, tears poured out your eyes. He looked up at you and saw you with a twisted face of pain, he stopped pushing himself in.

He looked back down to see blood on his shaft and asked if your were ok you nodded and said to keep going. He hesitated a bit before activating his quirk he used tentacles to rub your clit and play with your breast. He wanted to remove your mind from the pain. You were a moaning mess as he did this. Your walls clamped down on him. He then pushed in farther stretching you, he couldn't get it fully in but he started to give slow strokes to work his way in. You loved the feeling of all the pleasure, It drove you crazy before you knew it he was fully in and you were grinding back into him.

"AAAA- faster-F-Fuckkkahh~" he started to fuck you harder and harder while his tentacles ravaged you. "Fuck your so t-tight" You and him were at your climaxs as you came on him as he filled you while the tentacles continue to sucked on your clit and breast. "Shiitahhhh~" you orgasmed hard. You were drooling on the pillow and shaking hard, He fucked you stupid. He pulled out and looked at you. "Y/N! You ok?!" you just humed in response and laid there you were exhausted, he then pulled you into his chest you curled into his body warmth.            "Amajiki can we do this again?" He inhaled your scent and said "yea get some rest babe k?" You we're already fast asleep. Dreaming of the scene again.


Y'all kinda cute tho 👀

🥺70 reads!!!!

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