Jealous Tokoyami x sub reader!!🌑🖤

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Submissive reader!!⚠️


You walked in to the cafeteria but you didn't spot him. Either he was training or at the vending machine, but to be honest you didn't really wanna walk around looking for him. You were just too hungry. You had got a plate of (f/f) from lunch rush and sat down at the bakusquad table. Once you sat down your main objective became to irritate Bakugou. You greet everybody but him and started to eat. He looked over at you and started to glare. You made eye contact and sneezed covering your mouth with inside of your arm. "I'm allergic to bitches sorry" you sniffled.

A tic mark grew on his head as he started yelling at you making everybody laugh, he cut them off with another sharp glare. He came around the table and grabbed the collar of your shirt. You smirked and put your hand to his throat as if you were about to choke him. "If your trying to be kinky and choke me your doing it wrong." His face got beet red as he let go of you and stomped away mouthing small curses. Once he left you sat back down and started to laugh with everybody. Little did you know your faithful boyfriend witnessed it all. He knew you were a bit of a flirt to duck out of bad situations, but it still pissed him off.


Tokoyami walked you home with little words to your questions. He wanted to stay calm, but what he saw today made him a bit vengeful. He wanted you to feel bad to, so he stayed quiet until you both got to his house. His parents weren't home so it was fine. Once you arrived you took of your shoes and followed him to his room. You walked in and was about to ask him about his lack of responses but before you could utter a work he slammed the door shut and pinned you up against it putting his right hand around your throat squeezing tightly.

"Wha-...hah". you couldn't breathe as he tore your school blouse from your fragile body, letting the small buttons scatter onto the carpet floor. He grabbed the band of your bra and snatched it away throwing it to the floor. He let go of your neck and walked away, you fell to you knees, holding your sore throat while gasping for air. Tokoyami came back and kneeled to you removing your hands and placing something around your throat, a collar? It had a leash attached to it. He yanked it forcing you to come toward him. He stopped you from standing and pushed you down back to your knees making you wince in pain.

"Crawl." he demanded. You crawled beside to him as he walked you over to the bed. He then told you to bend over the bed side. You followed the instructions, knowing you couldn't flirt your way out of this, because when he's mad he won't listen. You heard shuffling behind you as your skirt and panties were pulled off. You were terrified. You felt a sharp pain as a huge whip slash across the back of your thighs. You whimpered as you pressed your face into the bed sheets. 'He was really mad but why?' He lashed you a second time, but on your ass before your legs gave out again you trembled. "Get up" he commanded.

Your legs were shaking as you slowly stood up back in the same position, pushing your ass back up. "If it hurts so much, then why are you so wet?" He growled. You looked back at him with teary eyes. "Because it's you". he put the whip down walking over to you and sat in front of you on the bed. He pulled out his pained erection and put it at your soft lips. You knew what he wanted, you went to grab it but you felt a pair of hands or claws hold your arms back behind you. It was dark shadow. You looked up at him worried but he only glared down at you. You put the tip in your mouth licking the pre-cum that oozed out of the top.

You licked the slit on top clean and then slid as much as you could into your mouth. Using your tongue you swirled it around his thick rod tracing some veins making him groan. He had enough and stood up and started to throat fuck you. His manhood spreading your throat like a pocket. Your nose touched his stomach as he went balls deep inside your throat. Your couldn't gag for air as he held you close, or pull away because dark shadow held your arms. Tears leaked from your eyes as you waited it out. He grinded his hips stiffly as your throat convulsed around his meaty shaft.

He let out a loud groan as he spurted his hot salty liquid in your throat. Once he finished he pulled out your throat and mouth with a small wet 'pop'. He groaned and breathed heavy. His hand slid to your cheek as he watched you cough and breathe heavy. He tilted you head up and opened your mouth. He looked at your tongue to make sure you swallowed it all. His huge dick was still hard so he picked you up and laid you onto the edge of the bed, he pulled your hips close as he spread your legs, putting them on his shoulders.

Placing his member at your soaked core, he plunged in immediately hitting your g-spot. The pleasure shocked you as you threw your head back. Your moans were muffled as you bit your forearm. He leaned down and held both of your arms to the side of your head. Your back arched as he abuse that same spot. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he hit all the right spots. Your stomach grew hot, while your core throbbed you let out a high pitched scream as your orgasm hit. Your walls locking him in place as you came, body spasming hard as he filled you with his creamy fluids.

He let out a husky groan as he came. Once your body calmed down from the intense orgasm, he could finally pull out. The mixed liquids drooled out your hot creamy core as you started to get tired. He pulled you more on to the bed and traced over the red mark on your ass with his index finger. "Let this be a reminder of how you shouldn't flirt with other boys."he whisper in your ear. "Ah-" you voice was to horse to speak so you just nodded. You throat was abused too much, so you knew you lost your voice. His warmth comforted you as you fell asleep. He removed your leash and fell asleep as well.

This is gonna be a good reminder.

Do we call peta or....🙁?
❤️I liked doing this request tbh❤️

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