Shoto x succubus reader🙆‍♀️💟

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Cave sex warning!?⚠️


All of class 1-A was on a field trip to a training camp. You all set your stuff in your cabins and moved outside after, taking in the view. It was beautiful, woods for miles and it was surrounded by life, the resort and other buildings were made of wood. It was so natural. Aizawa wasn't there but the instructors were outside waiting for you. They called role and gave a few direct rules for you all, nothing to Important. They were just telling you about curfew and not for you to go into the opposite genders cabin or you with face 'unspeakable consequences'. Once the finished talking about that, they moved onto the subject about the first training assignment.

It was to go through the other side of the forest and hit a checkpoint, to do that you had to plant a flag that will be given to you there. You then had to come back. The forest was big so it was gonna take a few hours. Not only that there would be monsters and obstacles at every turn, and the farther you got in the more powerful and distracting they were going to be. They teamed you all up with an opposite gender partner. You ended up with Shoto and the rest got paired up as well. They set you all at a starting line and then set you off with a loud "GO!!". You Dashed as fast as you could with Shoto by your side he said he wanted to go up a bit so you flew and he used his ice to freeze any monster in your paths.

You both came to an opening and a huge beast stood there, it looked like a barbarian with tiger skin as it's revealing clothes, it was about 30 feet tall and reddish skin on its body. Shoto tried to Freeze him over but the monster would just break out of it every time with fire breath. You used a huge energy blast to try and stop him but he absorbed it in its mouth, and shot it back toward you. You rolled out of the way barely dodging it, as it burn your some of your clothes. You had recharged before coming but it was only a kiss so you didn't get much, you ended up using way to much energy for one blast. "Dammit..." you groaned as your dark (f/c) wings disappeared. You stood up and ran to Shoto, ducking and dodging attacks with your agility.

You grabbed his hand and bolted away, you saw a cave up ahead. You both dove into the cave, Shoto blasted the entrance closing it off with an avalanche of boulders and rocks. Your breath was heavy as you hunched over with your hands on your knees breathing hard. "Ugghhhh!!!..... I wish I didn't depend on a power Source for my damn ability's." You growled out. You sat down against the cave wall with a loud sigh. Shoto walked over to you and sat down. "We have to plan out a strategy if we wanna win" he stated briefly. You sighed and looked at him.

"I have a plan but if I don't have any powers it will all go to shit" you huffed. "Are your powers gone?" He asked. "No I just need a source but...." you started hesitating. He looked at you, gazing at your troubled form in front of him, he couldn't really see you so he got up to start a fire. He got whatever sticks that were blown into the cave and lit them up in a pile. He then sat back down. "If you can get your powers back you better start talking because were running out of time to win." You looked at him and sighed giving in. "I can regain my power by coming into contact with somebo- a male sensually.... like a kiss or something..."you trailed off. "......But if I do more then that I will be almost invincible for the next few hours or so." He slid over to you and asked "what can I do?" In a serious toned.

He was determined to win in first."we can literally power through all the competition if....I just...." he started to understand. So he moved in, placing his smooth lips on your plump ones. He pulled away and looked into your eyes his Heterochromic ones boring into yours."if we have sex you will absorb way more energy then in a kiss." He stated. You nodded and hummed in response. He moved back in, kissing you and started to remove your clothes taking off his as well. He undid the zipper on his pant pulling them off afterwards.

"All you need to do is cum inside me" you huffed as you pulled away from the kiss. He nodded in response and went back to the foreplay prepping you both for the next events. His member started to harden as he looked at your body. He gazed at your chest and dove in pressing his face between your breasts. He sucked and licked on you nipples as his erection pained him.

You let out soft moans as he did so, it felt unfair so you placed your hand on his growing erection, palming him through his boxers. His breathing went heavy while he let out small grunts. Once he thought you were wet enough he picked you up, letting your legs wrap around his waist. He pushed you into the cold wall making you wince but the chill faded. He pulled out his throbbing member and pushed your panties to the side and put his tip to your wet core, slicking up his meaty rod with your sweet juices.

Your insides craved for him as he slid in making your back arch. You let out a moan as he went to the base. "Yesss~" he started to thrust slowly but sped up because he couldn't contain himself. His tip kissed your womb as he slammed his hips into you. Your moans and the sounds of slapping skin echoed the cave walls. Sweat dripping from his chin as he came closer. You threw your head back as you felt your stomach curl up. You felt him twich and throb inside you signaling he was getting close. You let loose groaning as your head pressed against the cave wall, he spilled as well filling your cunt with his warm milk.

The liquid overflowed dripping to the dirt floor. Your body absorbed the immense power, your walls sucking him dry in the process. He pulled out in exhaustion stumbling back. "Why do I feel so drained...hah" he huffed. "This is why I was reluctant, what I absorb from you is like your life force. Intense energy doesn't just form. It has to come from a source. But I didn't take to much so relax. I'll take it from here." His vision blurred as he passed out. You dressed him and yourself as you transformed. Wings, horns and.   (f/c) demon slit eyes, you grew in size but decided to keep your casual clothes on.

You blew out the fire with a gust from your wings and picked up Shoto and threw him over your shoulder, while walking to the blocked entrance. You blew the boulders away with a huge gust from your wings and flew out of the cave. You saw the monster from before and held up a hand towards it letting out a considerably gigantic blast from your palm. A great portion of the forest was chard in the process. "Doesn't feel too good does it" you darkly chuckled before soaring off to the finish line to win this damned race.

I had to rewrite about 100 words because Wappad decided that it wasn't gonna save.😒fucking

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