Mina x reader x bakugou👽💗💥

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Bakugou and you were in a relationship but you wanted to switch things up a bit because you know he probably wouldn't be to hostile to the idea of a threesome. Maybe he would say yes, you were thinking so hard that your facial expression changed and bakugou noticed. "Wtf are you thinking about". He startled you out of thought and your face turned bright red. He noticed this as well it was like he was reading you. "Just thinking about you" you somewhat lied . "Oh really" he got on top of you moving you out of your sitting position on the couch and gripped your waist roughly.

You didn't think about a threesome just because of the new experience it was also because bakugou was a bit too rough with you during sex, like making you unable to walk for 2 days type of rough. You wanted to redirect that energy to somebody else just a little bit but you loved having his attention though. You moved up to his ear and said "Let have a threesome". He had a startled look on his face but then asked "with who?" You thought for a moment  before saying the first female that came to mind your best friend.

"Mina~" he then gave it a good second to get an image in his mind of the both of you naked and said "fuck it lets do it. But how are we gonna get her". "That's for me to worry about and for you to enjoy" you winked. "meet me at my place at 6 hmm k?" He nodded then you hopped of his couch and left.

Later that day~

You, Mina Bakugou got to your place and you came inside with food and started to walk to bed your room with them following. You told Mina you were gonna play video games together, she was a bit worried about being a third wheel but you told her not to worry about that. You had gathered blankets and pillows on your floor in front of your game system and tv and they came over grabbing the other controllers. You all enjoyed your time playing and eating for a bit.

Once all the food was gone you decided to make your move. Once you and Mina had won against Bakugou in the game with a 2-1 Mina jumped in excitement so did you, both of you making eye contact. You moved in and put your hands around her waist and gave her a wet tongue kiss, it surprised her a bit but she melted into it forgetting about your boyfriend. This angered him and he stood up, Out of the blue Bakugou slapped your ass hard making you push and fall on top of Mina pressing your boobs together as you fell "forgetting me sluts?"he whispered in both of your ears. He then came up and got on top of you, sandwiching you in between him and her.

Him pressing his groin against your ass grinding into it making yours and Minas crouches press together, you and her moaned at the sudden friction. He then removed your pants and underwear rubbing his dick against your slit. You didn't want Mina to feel left out so you slid your hand in her pants and rubbed your finger tip on her soft wet bud. You then put two fingers inside of her wet pussy making her hum because of the sudden penetration. Before you could please her more Bakugou slammed into you making you flinch up and kiss Mina passionately.

Once this heated up a bit you told Bakugou to let you change positions. You were laying down on the blanket with Bakugou in between your legs ready to fuck you missionary, with a pillow behind your head and a naked Mina over your face ready to ride it. You wrapped your arms around her thighs and pulled her body down, and her dripping pussy onto your face, lapping her sweet juices up. Bakugou watched her squirm and moan as she grinded on your face. He massaged and played with her breast a bit, He then pushed his dick in ya hard spreading your throbbing pink walls and started to fuck you lifting your leg onto his shoulder.

As he pounded into you, your face pushed up into Minas womanhood making her moan out louder. You used your right hand to rub her clit and your tongue to get deep in to her wanking cunt. As she started to grind more roughly making it harder to breathe as her juices starting to overflow running down the side of your flushed cheeks. She put her hands on your breast playing with them as she was nearing her orgasm, Bakugou and you were about to cum as well you all hit, your climaxes at the same time Mina vigorously rubbing her clit as she squirted into your mouth.

You were nearly unable to drink it all as you were cumming all over Bakugous shaft. He then pulled out, cumming on you and Minas body's groaning and jerking his last bit of cum out. Mina fell onto a pillow exhausted and so did Bakugou. You stayed in place still licking the rest of Minas juices off your lips. "W..we should do this... again sometime" you huffed. Mina huff in agreement and bakugou hummed a yes slowly falling asleep. As did you and Mina.

Alien pussy??

Sorry it's so short I will make a part 2 if I get enough votes. 20 so to speak.


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