Kirishima x bakugous sister reader!!💥🌹

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You woke up from your nap to hear your loud ass brother yelling at his game again. You beat him up once because of that reason. "Did he not learn his lesson"you grumbled as you stomped outta bed and to his room in your underwear and t-shirt. You kick the door down and yelled "SHUT THE HELL UP ASS CLOWN!!!" You scared the mess outta him but then noticed he had a friend in the room. He's not Izuku for sure. Red spiky hair, sharp teeth nope you don't know em. But ended up a blushing mess due to him seeing you in your under clothes. You stomped out the room walking back to yours. You slammed the door behind you and plopped on your bed and screamed into your pillow out of embarrassment. Later in that day you were feeling hot an heavy so you decided you would relieve some stress/to masterbate. You used your f/c vibrator.

You turned on some music to muffle out the sound and started. You were about 25 minutes in and close to your climax when you heard a guys voice Yelp and a thud in front of you. You opened your eyes to see the red head from earlier with a mad blush on his face sitting on the floor as if he had fell back. You covered yourself and started to throw your stuff at him. Any thing you could get your hands on. Lamp, pillow, bag, vibrator...wait fuck. "Why are you in here!"you yelled at him as he was trying to block from the items Impacts. "I was coming to say sorry from earlier I didn't mean to look at you wrongly. That wasn't very manly of me" you stopped throwing Items ."well you just made it 10 times worst ASSHOLE!!" You growled.

"OK,OK ill leave" he cried making his way to the door. You then got a mischievous idea to help relieve your sexual frustration. You grab him by the collar and yanked him back before he could leave and shut the door. He fell back to the ground with a confused face. "You have to help me" you stated cockily. "With..?" " finish what you walked into"you hesitated to say. "Wha- that wouldn't be very manly of me and would probably ruin me and bakugou's relationship." "well go ahead and walk outta here I'll just tell him you kept eye raping me and then you won't have a di-" you said opening the door but was cut off by kirishima slamming the door with his hand. "Ok I'll help what do you want me to do" "that's more like it~~On your knees big boy" you said pointing in front of you as you sat on the bed moving the covers.

He did as told looking at your naked body turning him on. You put your hand on the side of his head. "Eat and make sure you watch the teeth" you demand he gave your slit a good stare and gulp in fear before you pushed his face to your wet area. He started to lick upward against your clit roughly making you moan out and shutter at the feeling. He loved the way you tasted and he was hungry for more" Thats it~ eat eatahhh~" he continued then started licking in every direction attacking your clit causing you to lay down and arch your back. He wrapped his arms around your thighs ass he stuck his tongue in making you go wild. You were like his little shark bait, you came to your first orgasm when he was sucking your clit making you squirt all in his mouth and down the side of the bed.
"Thank you sharky"

you were just about to fall asleep when you felt something huge enter you making you whimper and cry at the pain. "S-sorry but I couldn't help myself I'll wait for you to adjust" "what no pull out we don't even have a condom" "I'll pull out" he said as he kissed you making you taste you sweet juices his muscular body on yours turned you on so much he was gentle but needy as well. You flipped him over so he was lying down and then grinded against him as your tongues fought for dominance. He ended up winning be cause he slapped your ass and sat up with you on his lap. You started to move and boy Did it feel great he was hitting so deep you felt like you were gonna climax again as you rode him.

He gave you hickeys across your neck and bit above your collar bone lightly still drawing a-bit of blood. And if that wasn't enough he started to use his quirk as you rode him making your legs weak he noticed this, so he picked you up and started to bounce you as he pound in to your insides. All you could do was make scratch marks on his back but they were worst then intended because of your quirk making burns."ahhh- ahhhh~~~~Im can't go anymore I quitttahhh~" you yelled as You were tapping out because of your huge prolonged orgasm but he was getting close. He thrusted in to you a few more times before droping you into the bed and cumming on your stomach. You were wasted and to sore to move so he had to put you to bed. Once he left out the room he was met with a pair of red eyes." Heh.....hey babe" kiri chuckled nervously at Bakugou.

Baby shark is no more😈


Thank you for 30 reads😳✌🏾

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