Shoji x innocent reader💘2k reads special!!💖

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Midnight had switched places with Aizawa for sex Ed class. You missed your favorite teacher but you didn't mind putting things were they belong when it came to this class. I mean can you imagine Aizawa talking about how baby's are born or what and orgasm is to all of you. That thought made you laugh and cringe at the same time. You walked to class after getting a few extra led pencils out of your locker. You had bumped into Shoji, your Boyfriend, along the way and decided to walk with him. Once you both got seated everybody quieted down and she got started.

She introduced the subject of female pleasure and how it works, she talked about how you would pleasure them because she knew she couldn't stop you all from having sex so she would at least teach you how to do it right. For a teacher in sex Ed this was her habitat to be honest. You zoned out in the lesson because you didn't really care about sexual stuff you were to busy day dreaming about your favorite foods. After all your classes was over Shoji asked to walk you home. You both had came for gym last period so it would be convenient for him to stop by and shower at your house because it was closer to school.

You enter the house together and told him that he could shower first and you would wash his clothes. Since he was a big guy he did sweat a lot so you would let him go first. He hesitated but then went to shower. You gave him a towel and a hamper for his dirty clothes to take down stairs. You went back up to read a bit of manga and chill on your bed.

After you heard him get out you got your pajamas ready and went to the bathroom. He came out with a towel around his waist and his mask was back on. You chuckled at how bashful he was. He went to get his clothes while you hoped in the shower. You washed well and came out in a spaghetti strap tank top with no bra, shorts, and knee high socks. Oblivious to how your curves showed more then when you were a kid.(wait hol up💀) you walked into your room and plopped down on your bed turning on your game system.

Shoji came in and you both played games for a few hours or so. It was around 6 when you went for a snack break. You hopped off the bed and walked out not noticing the hungry gaze on your ass and chest as you walked away. After you came back with hella chips snacks you saw shoji in deep thought as you set all the food on the desk. You walked over to him as he was sitting with his legs crossed on the floor. "You good?" You asked getting weirded out by his silence. He shifted his gaze over to you as a blush came over his cheeks.

"yea I was just thinking about class today" he said looking around the room, trying not to stare at your chest. You chuckled and asked which class. " Ed" he hesitated to say. "Why's that?" You opened a bag of chips and started stuffing your face. "I don't have much experience on some of the things Midnight was teaching I just wanted to know more to be honest." "Oh, so why don't you just look it up or study it, no need to get upset." He looked back at you and gave a lopsided gaze as he laughed nervously. "The thing is that what she was teaching could better our relationship." You choked a bit. " oh crap Fr, I didn't pay attention sorry babe... do you think you could help me study right now we have a quiz tomorrow."

He looked at your concerned expression, looking for any hint but found nothing. You genuinely didn't really know anything about sex but showed your body off like bait for hungry men. He thought about it and nodded. You were about to go get your notebook when he stopped you. "Come here. We won't need a book for this little study session" he pulled you to him making you sit in his lap. "Um so what are we gonna do?" You asked confused. He Looked down at your small petite figure feeling himself get turned on. "J-just relax and close your eyes." He huffed getting hazy in the head.

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