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     "Before you go class, here are premission forms for our field trip Friday. I want them turned in by Thursday. We are going to the Stark tower" Mr. Harrington smiled, passing out the paper

     Peter's head shot up quickly, his home? Oh god... Once the Avengers see him they'll embarrass the fuck out of him. He shoved the paper in his bag and ran out the classroom when the bell rang, immediately heading to his locker, he felt as if he was gonna throw up. Peter grabbed his things and closed his locker just to be slammed against it by none other than flash

     "Ready to be exposed of your lie penis parker?" Flash punched him in the gut and walked away from him. That didn't help Peter much as he already felt like throwing up but he walked it off and ran outside to happy. "Hey happy!!" Peter greeted, getting into the car. "Hey Pete." As Peter climbed into the car he could tell something was wrong "what's wrong Pete?"

         Peter sighed softly "we have a Field trip on Friday and we're going to the Stark tower but I'm scared the Avengers are gonna embarrass me.. Don't tell them about this happy.. Please?" Happy nodded slightly "of course kid.." He parked outside of the tower, Peter getting out the car "thanks happy! Bye!" Peter ran towards the receptionist "good afternoon Peter" Lindsey smiled, Peter smiled back "good afternoon" Peter scanned his card "Peter Parker, level 10. Welcome home ребенок паук, (baby spider) would you like me to tell boss you're home?"  Peter smiled "sure fri" Peter walked in the building "спасибо пятница" (Thank you Friday) Friday chuckled softly and opened the elevator door letting Peter go inside "can you stop at mom's office please?" Peter asked. "Yes" Friday stopped at pepper's office and let Peter out the elevator "momma?" Peter asked out,

      Pepper looked up "yes honey?" Peter pulled out a paper and sat it down in front of her "can you sign this? We're coming here on Friday for a tour and I don't want everyone to know cause they'll embarrass me... " Pepper nodded knowingly and signed the paper. But this doesn't pass an Avenger that heard, Clint had told all the Avengers about this and they made sure they'd embarrass Peter. No matter what.

    Friday had eventually rolled by, finally. Peter walked on the bus, sitting with MJ,wade and Ned. In about 20 minutes they were in front of the tower, everyone excitedly getting out. Except Peter. "Hello guys im Lindsey, I'll be your tour guide.. Heh pete, MJ, Ned... Wade" She smiled at the group "still got your cards?" She asked as she handed everyone else a card "yeah" Mj grinned

     Everyone was scanning their card as Lindsey explained what each one means "1 is the lowest its for people who are on tour... 10 is the highest its for an Avenger or someone who lives here.. 9 is Avengers who don't come often." Flash scanned his card his face almost dropping realizing hes one of the lowest "Ned Leeds, level 8. welcome back Ned" Friday spoke "hey Friday!" Ned said cheerfully as he walked in MJ scanned her card "MJ, level 8. Great to have you back" Friday spoke as cheerfully as an AI could. "Thanks Fri. " Mj walked inside. Wade was a little nervous as he scanned his card "wade Wilson, level nine. Welcome back Wade." Friday spoke "thanks Fri, been a while" Wade chuckled and waited for Peter. Peter scanned his card. "Peter Parker- Stark. Level 10. Welcome back ребенок паук, would you like me to alert Boss that you're home?" Friday asked "нет спасибо пятница" (No thanks Friday) Peter replied back
"Well, king T'challa is here along with princess shuri.. She's been asking for you. T'challa would like to speak with you" Friday replied. "Shuri is here!! Oh my god where are they?" Peter jumped around excitedly.

     "PETER!!" shuri yelled as she ran towards the boy, hugging him right. T'challa ran after her "Mr. Stark." He smiled at Peter. Peter bowed "I've already said to call me Peter.."
Shuri pulled away from the hug "WADE!" she grinned "LITTLE ONE" he yelled, holding her close. T'challa chuckled softly. The classmates looked at them confused. T'challa lead everyone inside. The Royal's followed them for the tour... First person to embarrass him other than one of his bestest friends was... Clint of course.

     Clint jumped down, out or the vents, everyone was startled by this except Peter. "Peter!! What's up, favorite nephew" He grinned "I'm your only nephew" Peter looked confused then he looked down at his shoes. He was so embarrassed. Clint aimed his bow at the kid as he wasn't paying attention. Peter's spidey senses warned him as he quickly raised his hand up, catching the arrow, just millimeters away from hie neck. "Nice one pete! I'll see you after lunch" He climbed back into the vents.. Everyone stared at Peter "what the hell penis?" Next was Nat.

      "ребенок паук!!!" Nat yelled running towards Peter, hugging him tight "мама паук!!!" Peter hugged him tight. "Did you take the last donut, baby spider?" Peter backed away quickly "momma...." Peter squeaked softly "Peter? Did you..." She glared at him. If looks could kill he'd be in hell "yes momma spider.." Peter squeaked out. Death was near. Nat went to tackle him "momma no!" Peter squealed running off. Nat grabbed Peter's arm as they fought each other off. After 5 minutes of this going on Peter flipped her and landed on her back while he held onto her arm. "Good practice baby spider... Now please let me up" Peter scrambled to his feet, helping nat up "sorry aunty Nat..." Nat kissed his head "see you later." She walked off

      It was lunchtime now.. Although its almost over. Flash stood up and walked towards Peter "enough is enough penis! Stop making up lies, what are you doing! You know you don't know the Avengers! So admit it!" Everyone stared at the two, Peter stood up. "They're my family" He tried to explain "cut the crap penis" Flash shoved Peter against the wall causing an alarm to sound off "must protect baby at all times protocol activated. In seconds the Avengers gathered in the cafeteria. Bucky held a gun. Wanda and Loki had their magic ready, Thor was already sparkling. Sam had his guns from his wings out, nat ws holding a bunch of knives while Clint had his bow and arrows ready. Bruce was trying to calm himself down, t'challa was in his black panther suit, shuri was holding new guns she desiged, Steve was ready to kill someone...and Tony wasn't completely dressed in his iron man suit he just had his blasters. They all glared at flash who had Peter pinned against the wall

    Loki was the first to speak, floating out or pure anger " You puny mortal, let go of my nephew!" Flash quickly moved away from Peter, and wade led him towards the Avengers, kissing his head sweetly "guysssss!" Peter whined "you're embarrassing me!" Shuri hugged his best friend "it's alright young one.." Thor picked Peter up "let's go young nephew. We shall eat the pop tarts... Truly magnificent and watch the movies!" Thor's voice boomed "Peter's staying with us." Tony said "ahh uncle Thor! Daddddd" Peter whined causing everyone to awe. Tony smiled excitedly "you've accepted it?" He grinned at his son "always have..." Tony chuckled softly "Peter Parker..." Tony grinned at him "Peter Stark.." He corrected, causing everyone to awe again.

This is so short, sorry jsurjdjfj

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