Secret Love Part 6

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Chapter 6

Derek walked into the bullpen and sat down at his desk he had gotten in earlier since he hadn't managed to get much sleep, all he felt was anger running through his whole body he just didn't know what to say or how to feel he wished none of this would have happened. 

He didn't know what had come over him last night when he slammed the door in JJ's face, he was ready to face her but when he heard the words come out of his mouth he couldn't breath he just closed the door and now he knew talking would be harder than ever.

JJ sat in her car taking a deep breath she looked in her wind mirror she had red circles under her eyes from crying all night never mind the bags from the lack of sleep she had gotten, She was nervous about what as going to happen today not only did she have to see Derek who had just basically made it obvious he hated her but she would have to face Hotch and the board about her and Derek's relationship. 

She got out of the lift and walked into the bullpen to see the team sat at there desks she gave them all her good mornings expect for Derek and headed straight to her office to hide.

Derek watched as JJ ignored him he knew he deserved it he did slam a door in her face, after all, he also knew she was scared about facing Hotch and the board he had seen them go into Hotch's office when he arrived he was also nervous as he had no idea what as going to happen.

Emily looked up from her desk and looked at Derek tapping away with his pen

Emily-your worried


Emily-your scared that what you did will either ruin you or JJ

Derek-maybe I am

Emily-have you talked to her about it?

Derek looked at Emily and shook is head

Derek-I've seen her but we haven't talked so looks like we're both screwed

Before Derek or Emily could carry on there convocation Hotch came out of his office asking for Derek, Derek walked into his office and sat down in one of the chairs and waited while Hotch went to get JJ, Derek was sat tapping his foot on the floor when Hotch, JJ, and Strauss walked in, JJ took a seat down next to Derek leaving a gap between them.

Strauss-I take it you both know why you here?

JJ-yes mam


Strauss-okay I will cut straight to it then Agent Hotchner came to me with a complaint that you both had admitted to being in a relationship with is highly forbidden within the bureau

Derek looked at JJ and took a deep breath

Derek-we didn't admit to a relationship she admitted to having an interaction that leaded JJ getting pregnant then miscarrying

JJ looked shocked at Derek was he really doing this lying to protect his own self or the both of them.

Strauss-is that true Agent Jareau?

JJ didn't know what to say she took a minute to compose herself

JJ-yes mam we were drunk and did a stupid thing but we have never or will be in a relationship

Strauss-well okay then I will leave with that and get back to you all when I have spoken to the board.

They watched as Strauss left Hotch's office, Both Derek and JJ looked up at Hotch who was sat with his hands crossed staring at them both.

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