Secret Love Part 22

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Chapter 22

As the weeks went on, JJ grew closer and closer to Luke. She was really falling in love with him. She was having fun, Enjoying having him around, That was until. She noticed, how protective he was. Always checking in on her. At first, she liked that he cared so much. But now. She really wished he would tone it down. And it was all about to change.

JJ strolled into her apartment. Luke right behind her, his hands on her hips. As soon as the door closed. He pushed her against the wall, hard. JJ closed her eyes. Trying not to focus on the pain running through her back. Luke kissed her deeply. She kissed him back, moving her arms around his neck, digging her fingers through his hair. He pulled open her shirt. Seeing the outline of her breasts. He smiled widely, kissing the gap between them. JJ closed her eyes, leaning back moaning at his touch.

JJ woke up the following morning, too a buzzing sound. She opened her eyes. Seeing her phone, moving on the table. She sat up, opening the call. Not bothering to read the caller ID.


"We got a case, be here as soon as you can !"

"How bad?"


JJ hung up, laying back down on the bed letting out a sigh.

"You gotta go?" Luke said looking up at her.

"I'll call you later" she smiled softly, giving him a quick kiss.


Everyone gathered into the conference room looking over the files, Garcia had laid out.

"What you got for us, Baby girl?"

"Unfortunately nothing good, 6 bodies of children between the ages of 3 and 5 have been found."

"All were found, stripped naked, and sexually assaulted" Hotch, spoke. Seeing the various looks on his team members' faces.

"Wheels up in 20. We need to find this unsub and fast."

Everyone gathered their things heading out of the room. As JJ stood up she felt a pain in her back.

"Ahh," she said taking a deep breath.

"You okay?" Derek asked looking at her.

She nodded biting down her lip.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Morgan watched as she walked out of the room, trying to hide the pain she was in.

After the plane had set off and the caption turned off the seat belt signs, JJ walked into the bathroom cubical. Locking the door behind her. JJ lifted up her shirt, seeing a big purple bruise on her back, touching it slowly, she pulled away flinching.


Derek walked into the conference room, sliding a cup of coffee, down the table. JJ caught it in her hands, looking down at Morgan.


"You look like you need one."

"I did thanks" JJ took a long sip, sitting back.

"Are you okay? seem a little...."

"Yeah. Yeah, I just slept funny, I guess I pulled a muscle or something"

Derek nodded sitting back, knowing she was lying but didn't want to push her.

JJ closed her eyes, trying to forget about the pain she was in.


Emily knocked on the door, of JJ's hotel room, Opening the door, JJ saw Emily holding a bottle of wine.

"You really are my best friend."

Emily smiled entering the room, placing the bottle and glasses down, JJ sat down in the chair, watching Emily pour her a glass.

"So what's going on with you?"

"Nothing why?"

"Jay. don't play that game. You've been holding your back all day."

"It's nothing really," she said raising her eyebrows. Taking a sip of her wine.

"Show me. Otherwise. I'll come over there and do it myself."

JJ sighed taking a deep breath, lifting her shirt, wincing at the pain.

"Jesus JJ. What did you do?"

"Nothing, we were just...."


"Yeah...." JJ looked at Emily biting her lip.

"We were about to have sex...."

"You and Luke?....."

JJ nodded pulling her shirt back down.

"We were kissing and he pushed me against the wall, a little too hard."


"I'm fine. We were both drunk. I guess it got a little out of hand."

"Yeah, I'd say !"

"Please don't tell anyone. I'm fine really. It was just a bit of ruth sex."

"Ruth! JJ. Ruth involves everything but you ending up in bruises."

Emily sighed running her hands through her hair.

"Okay, I promise. But if this happens again."

"It wont...."

"It better not, or he will have me to deal with."


As the case came to an end, after the team had gotten back home, JJ found herself in the gym, for some reason she needed to work off some steam. And now she could. Punching the bag, over and over. She felt forgot about all the pain in her shoulder. Hours passed, JJ finally stopped. She sat down on the floor, touching her shoulder. Knowing it was going to hurt like hell, the following morning

Taking a sip of her water, JJ grabbed her towel wiping the sweat off her body. Standing up, grabbing her shirt, JJ pulled it over her head, grabbing her stuff leaving the gym.

Derek stood watching her, he had been doing late night tactical training and wanted to finish up with a gym session. Seeing JJ, he paused watching her, he had never seen her so tense, then he saw it the bruise on her back, as she pulled on her shirt. He felt a sharp pain in his heart. Hoping what he thought was happening wasn't.


JJ opened the door to her apartment, locking all the locks, she kicked off her shoes, turning on the lamp, she saw Luke sat on the sofa. JJ jumped hitting her hand on the lamp.


"Sorry baby," he said stumbling over to her, gripping her hands on her hips.

"Are you drunk?"

"A little" he smiled kissing her neck.

"Babe stop, okay, your drunk I'm tired this isn't gonna happen tonight."

" is you can't resist me."


"NO !"

He grabbed her arms forcing her onto the sofa, twisting her wrist.


"Shhh, it's me,come on."

JJ took a deep breath, kicking him away, walking into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her, she slid to the floor crying to herself.


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