Untitled Part 26

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This is the final chapter, I want to thank everyone for reading this story and I hope you enjoyed it!

Chapter 26.

Later that evening the team had solved the case, and we're grateful it was over, sitting down on the jet, JJ wrapped the blanket around her laying her head back into the seat. Opening her eyes she looked around, seeing Reid looking at her.

"You okay Spence?"

"Yes. I'm fine, I was just wondering what you were been so dramatic for yesterday."

JJ frowned her brow. "Urm..."

"I found her drunk, singing to herself in the corridor, remember JJ."

JJ looked over at Morgan, closing her mouth, giving him a nod. "Yep. Probably one of my worst drunken moments."

"Oh, there's been worse ones," Emily said letting out a laugh.

JJ let out a sigh, laying her head back. "So I get crazy when I drink. Leave me alone."

Walking into the bullpen, JJ stopped in front of Morgan's desk.



"So listen about what happened, the other night.."

"Don't JJ, okay. We all do a lot of things when we're drunk, you do it a lot. But..."

"Yeah, guess I need to stop the whole drinking thing," JJ said sighing.

Morgan let out a little laugh.

"Why did you cover for me on the jet?"

Morgan sighed leaning back in his chair. "No one needs to know, everything that has happened between us. And them knowing, would only make things worse."

"I'm sorry...."

"JJ, don't take this the wrong way but. You were the one, who told me to get over you and let you go. So I did and I'm happy."

"I know," she said taking a breath. "Okay. I know I did and I really wish I didn't cause now...."

"Now what!"

Licking her lips together, JJ looked right at Morgan. "Never mind, I'm glad your happy Morgan."

Standing up, JJ walked out, once she was in the elevator, she closed her eyes taking a deep breath, feeling the tears in her eyes.


Walking into his apartment, Morgan was welcomed by Clooney, hearing sounds from the kitchen, he walked around the corner.

"This is a surprise."

"Yeah, well I got your message and thought why not cook you something nice you know."

Morgan nodded, sighing he made his way into the bedroom changing quickly. Heading back into the kitchen he wrapped his arms around Cassie. Before he could kiss her neck. She pulled away from his hold.

"I told you not while I'm cooking."

Morgan put his hands up in defense, heading into the living room. He waited till dinner was ready. Watching as Cassie set the table Morgan couldn't feel anything inside him a week ago. He was happy, happier than he had been in a while but now. Now he didn't know what he felt but he knew he didn't have those feelings about Cassie anymore.



"Can we talk?"

"Can we talk after we've eaten"

"Urgh no. look I'm sorry to do this right now but. I can't do this anymore."

"Do what"?

"This is us. I thought I liked you I mean I do like you but I'm still in love with someone else and I always will be."

"The blonde at the bar right?"


"The way she ran out of there, and the worry you had in your eyes"

"I'm sorry."

"Go get your girl, Derek. Everyone deserves a happy ending."

"but what about you?"

"Mine will happen one day. "

Grabbing his jacket and keys Morgan left his place, knowing it was now of never.


Tickling her kitten, JJ let the tears silently fall. gulping down a breath she saw her phone ringing for the fourth time. Ending the call once again she picked up Oscar, Laying him on her chest.

"Will he not get the message and leave me alone."

Oscar let out a meow, snuggling his head onto her chest. As her phone went off once again JJ decided to answer it.

"What you want Morgan?"

"For you to open your door."

Frowning, JJ put Oscar down, making her way to the door. Looking through the peephole she put her phone down. Opening the door.

"Morgan wha..."

Cutting her off, Morgan grabbed her neck, kissing her deeply. Pulling away, JJ stared at him.


"It's always been you."

Smiling, JJ kicked the door closed, Kissing him once again before pulling away. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that no matter how many relationships we both try to have, neither one of us is ever going to be able to move on. You're the one JJ and always will be."

Feeling the tears forming in her eyes again, JJ let out a laugh. "Don't let me go this time."

"Never." Morgan smiled, picking her up.

Sitting on the sofa, JJ wrapped her arms around Morgan's neck. "This time. It stays quiet until we know were back on track."

"Wouldn't have it any other way."


The following morning JJ woke to the sound of the TV, looking over at the other side of the bed, she saw Morgan sat up staring at the TV.

"Morning sleeping beauty."

JJ smiled a little moving closer to Derek, leaning her head onto his bare chest.

"What you watching?"

"Nothing, just some crap. Waiting for you to wake up."

"Why did you wake me?"

"Cause, the amount of sleep you got the other night, you really needed a full night's sleep."

Smiling, JJ leaned forward pecking his lips. "I've missed this "

"Well, we have until were old and can't move to do this everyday."

Smiling JJ nodded entwining her fingers with Derek's. "I love you."

"I love you too," Morgan said, wrapping his arm around her, kissing her deeply.

This time. He was never letting her go. He would make sure of that.


Thanks for reading!

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