Secret Love Part 9

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JJ stood crying into Emily's arms as she watched Derek drive away to the hotel, she pulled away from Emily drying her eyes. Trying to stop herself from crying anymore.

JJ-Can we go

Emily-Yeah sure let me get my stuff

Emily went over to the rest of the team nodding at Hotch, she walked back over to JJ as they headed out of the station and onto the street.

JJ-Can we walk it's not that far

Emily-That's a good idea because you have a lot to talk to me about starting with you know what

JJ put her hands in her pockets taking in the cold air before she looked at Emily knowing she had to explain how she and Derek got together and why she didn't tell her.

JJ-Urgh it was a little while after Gideon left and we all went out for a drink and we both ended up staying we had a little bit to drink and he ended up kissing me and it kinda just went from there.

Emily-Wow I didn't even know you both liked each other

JJ-I Didn't either well not at first, it was more just friends with benefits but then when we were on cases we started sneaking into each other's room and it went from there it became real

Emily-You still love him don't you

JJ-Yeah and now I just let him go and now I want him back

Emily-Well if I know you both as well as I think I do it will take time but you'll get back together or close again

JJ-Thanks and I hope I miss him having him there

Once they finally got to the hotel JJ and Emily went there separate ways to there rooms, JJ walked into hers taking off her jacket and throwing it onto her bed she walked into the bathroom tying up her hair and washing the makeup off her face before running hot water over her face, Once she was refreshed she put on her jacket and headed down to the hotel bar she sat on one of the stools and waited for the bartender to come over to her.

Waiter-What can I get you?

JJ-Something strong and keep them coming

The bartender nodded and went to make JJ a small drink, she looked around the bar taking in all the couples enjoying a nice drink to herself, she took the drink off the bartend and drunk it in one, she watched as a loved up couple walked in and sat down next to her, that's when all the flashbacks came into her head.



JJ was sat at her desk going over the paperwork that didn't seem to want to end, she just wanted to the week to be over she was glad that they had a week off to nothing and enjoy sitting at home and not having to worry about traveling around the country. Morgan knocked on her office door he walked in sitting down in the seat in front of her desk.

Morgan-hey baby girl


Morgan-how's my girl

JJ-I'm okay I just wanna get out of here

Morgan-I think I can help you with that

JJ-Oh yeah

Morgan-yeah how do you feel about a week away in paradise

JJ-you had me at a week away

Derek-good come round later with your suitcase pack for warm weather make you sure you have a bikini in there too

JJ-ooh this is gonna be an interesting week

That night after JJ got home she packed her suitcase and made her way to Derek's place once they were both ready they took off to the airport to go away for a romantic week away for the first time as a couple. They spent the week on a beach in the Spanish islands enjoying each company have some time to themselves JJ had never felt so loved and then that was the first time they had said I love you to each other


JJ was brought out of her daydream by a loud laugh, she looked around to see the bar had filled up, she didn't know long she had been daydreaming for, she downed her drinking leaving he cash, she got up and walked towards to the lifts she stood in the lift thinking to herself she was glad the lift was right in front of her room, she walked in and started pacing up and down she didn't know what to think she knew and her and Derek were both right she does want him back but she just wants to be alone, but there is one thing she couldn't get out of her mind.

Derek heard a knock on his door, he pulled his shirt over his head and opened the door to see JJ stood biting the edge of her lip like she always did when she was nervous. He watched as she looked up at him wanting to speak but he could see she couldn't get the words out.

Derek-Hey what's up?

JJ-Can I just

Before Derek had a chance to speak JJ jumped forward kissing him on the lips, it took Derek a couple of seconds to figure out what was happening before he fell back onto the door frame closing the gap between him and JJ kissing her back deeply, he ran his hand through her long blonde hair as she made the kiss the deeper, JJ pulled away a few moments later gasping for air, she looked up at Derek biting her lip.

JJ-that's all I needed

She walked off back into her room leaving Derek stood speechless at his hotel room door. He smiled to himself touching his lip as he walked back into his room and went to bed knowing that's all he needed as well, But little did Both Derek and JJ know a certain member of the team was leaving his room to go for a drink when he saw the encounter of the pair, he walked down the hallway smiling to himself

Rossi-That's my girl

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