Secret Love Part 16

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Chapter 16

JJ stood staring at herself in the mirror it had been just over a week since she had been hit in the face by the unsub. It had been just over a week that she had broken up with Derek. She had not talked to him once in that time. And she was grateful he hadn't contacted her to see how she was doing. Knowing he obviously understood she needed space from him.

She traced her hand over her cuts which were slowly healing. She had been off work all week and was looking forward to going back. She was going insane just sat thinking all the time. She tied up her hair into a ponytail she couldn't be bothered to anything else with it. Once she was dressed she grabbed her stuff heading out the door.

When she arrived at the BAU, she walked through the glass doors seeing Emily and Rossi stood in the kitchen area, she was heading towards the door when she heard a voice behind her.

"Welcome back."

"Thanks," JJ said smiling at Rossi.

"You okay kid?"

"Yeah, I was wondering where Derek was that's all."

Rossi looked at her confused.

"I thought you knew, he went to visit his mom for a couple of weeks. Finally took a vacation."

"Oh....." JJ said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Never mind then."

JJ walked away from Rossi heading down the hallway into her office. Closing the door behind her she sat down at her desk leaning her head back running her hands over her face.


It was two days after they had got back. Derek knew JJ wouldn't want to hear from him. Even if he wanted to see how she was doing. He needed to give her space. Time to think. He didn't know how he was going to do it. He knew the only way for them both to figure this out was for him to take some time off. Getaway.

So there he found himself sat on a plane to Chicago he was off to visit his mother and sisters. He was looking forward to seeing them. And he knew his mother would give him some great advice on what to do.

For the last few days, he had been spending time catching up with his family avoiding talking about what had been going on in his life but he knew he couldn't put up a front for much longer.


JJ sat her office going over the piles of paperwork she had gained on her desk in the last week from been off. She looked up hearing a knock on the door.

"Come in."


"Hey," JJ said putting her pen down looking at her two best friends Emily and Penelope.

They sat down in the chairs in front of her desk seeing the look on her face knowing she wanted answers.

"Were you guys going to tell me?"

"Yes...." Emily said looking at Garcia

JJ raised her eyebrows sitting back in her chair

"Why did he go?"

"He said you needed space. So he was going to give you it. And he needed to find some answers." Garcia said giving her a soft smile.

"So, what do I do?"

"You're the one who told him to give you space. He's giving you it Jay."

JJ nodded sighing closing her eyes for a moment.

"Were you expecting him to be all I'm sorry again?" Penelope asked


"Oh my god, you were."

"Okay, maybe."

"Buttercup. He took It to heart he knows he hurt you and he's respecting you. "

"I know."

JJ didn't know what she was expecting when she had shown up to work that day but she wasn't expecting Derek not to be there. She thought he would just avoid her leave her too it. But instead, he was in another part of the country giving her space.


Derek sat on the bench on the porch staring out at the sun as it slowly started to set. He looked up hearing the front door opening, seeing his mother. He gave her a soft smile watching as she sat down next to him.

"So you going to tell me why you're really here?"

"I already told you, I missed you guys and I had some time to take off."


Derek looked at his mother holding onto her hand taking a deep breath.

"I messed up. Big time."


"You know that woman I was telling you about!"

"That one you were falling for?"


"Yeah, well I got her, lost her, got her back and now I've lost her again."

"What did you do?" she said in a serious tone.

"Why do you assume I did something wrong?"

"Because when it comes to a woman you always do something wrong."

Derek nodded his head in agreement.

"The first time it was her fault she got hurt when we were on a case and she lost our baby."

Derek looked up at his mother, she was shocked and felt her heart stop seeing the tears in his eyes.

"Then I did what I always do, something stupid."

"Oh, sweetie." Said his mother wrapping her arm around his shoulders.

"I thought things were going well but I guess not."

"I'm sure you will work things out this time sweetie."

"I'm not too sure mamma. I spoke with her friend who told me I'm not ready or will never be ready for the commitment she wants and I have to agree I'm not the guy who likes to sit at home and watch TV with his family. I like going out. Having a chase."

"Then you've found your problem. "

Derek looked at his mother knowing she was about to give him some motherly advice.

"She's ready for that commitment and you're not and instead of waiting for you, she's letting you go. So that's your choice. You let her go or you fight for her and prove your willingness to be that guy. "

"But every time I do, I end up hurting her and I know that I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did that to her again. She doesn't deserve it."

"Then you know what you have to do."

Derek nodded his head taking a deep breath he had another week to think this through what he was going to do.


JJ sat on her sofa beer bottle in hand flicking through the TV channels. She was frustrated and annoyed but didn't know why. Okay. She did no why but she didn't want to confront it. She just needed to see him. To know whether she made the right choice or not. She didn't know why she was thinking this but she knew she had made the right choice she needed to let him go. He wasn't ready for this. For her, For the commitment, she was ready for., And he wouldn't be and she wasn't going to wait. She was going to find a guy who would give her everything she needs one day, And Derek wasn't that guy.,As much as she wanted him to be, She just needed to get over him, And he needed to get over her.


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