Secret Love Part 11

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As the weeks went on JJ and Derek seemed to be getting on well, they had stopped ignoring each other and started to work together again, it was weird but okay. They knew now that the break up was a good idea as it meant they both had time to find themselves. 

JJ was asleep in bed when she felt her phone buzzing, she opened it up to see a text from Hotch telling her a new case had just come in, she climbed out of bed getting dressed making her way to the BAU. She walked into her office to see the file on her desk, she took a seat opening the file reading through it. After she had read over the case she walked into Hotch's office then into the conference room to set up. 

Once the team had walked into the room JJ started, after giving the briefing and working a profile the team headed to the airport, JJ sat in the chair seeing Derek sat opposite her, she knew this case was going to be interesting, epically if it was taking them to Miami.

As JJ stepped out of the SVU she heard Derek's sleigh comment she rolled her eyes walking over to the lead detective after they had finished introducing each other, JJ saw Emily pointing to someone when she looked round a smile popped along with her cheekbones, seeing Detective Will Lamontagne walking towards them. JJ walked into the building feeling someone tug on her arm she looked around to see Will stood next to her.


"Hey" JJ smiled

"So you look good"

"You do too"

"So we're good right?"

"Will it was sex , were good"

"Good" he smiled

JJ walked up the stairs smiling to herself remembering the good times she had , had with Will before she had started dating Derek. As the day went on JJ stuck with interviewing people alongside Hotch and Will, after founding at a few shocking issues they had finally come up with the profile, after presenting it, JJ went over to Emily handing her a bottle of cold water.

"You read my mind," Emily said taking the bottle of water

"You are welcome" JJ took a sip of her water.

"So how is Detective Lamontagne"

"I think he's in a little bit of shock he will be okay," JJ said looking round at him

"Yeah so that accent of his isn't drawing you in again is it"

"I don't know what you mean," JJ said looking at Emily

"You know what I mean Jay"

"nothing happened"

"Right so you didn't travel back and forth for 5 months to see the guy every weekend?"

"Friends with benefits that's all it was and now he's just a friend"

"If you say so"


JJ walked out of the police station to see Will talking on the phone, she walked slowly up to him seeing him close his face.


Will looked around to see JJ stood behind him

"Hey, you heading out?"

"Yeah, you okay? You look a bit"

"I'm good for now"

"You look like you need cheering up"

"You could say that" he let out a small smile

"Well, I have a minibar in my room care to join?"

"Hmm... you and alcohol that sounds like a perfect idea"

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