Secret Love Part 15

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Chapter 15.

JJ didn't get much sleep that night, she 'd be lying if she said she got any at all. She laid with her head on the pillow her body curled together. Emily sat watching her knowing today was going to be hard. Emily walked over to her sitting down next to her watching as she looked at her. Emily gave her a soft smile.

"Do I have to move?"

"Yeah, you do "

JJ sighed sitting up rubbing her eyes. She didn't want to leave the room it would mean facing everyone and him. She didn't want to see him. Knowing all he would try to do was explain himself.

"You need to focus on the case, ignore him until we've solved this"

JJ nodded standing up and heading into the bathroom cleaning herself up. Once they were both dressed they headed down to the SUV's riding with Hotch and Rossi. No one questioned it. JJ walked into the room the team was set up seeing Morgan and Reid, She looked right at him sitting down not saying a word to him. Emily walked in behind her not taking notice.

Derek watched as she walked into the room, he put his head down looking through his notes knowing he couldn't talk to her here without making a scene. He didn't say a word just kept to himself.


Detective Archer and Wheeler walked into the room everyone looking up to see a red mark on detective Wheeler's face. JJ put her head down ignoring everyone's stares. She looked at Emily seeing she was trying not to laugh, seeing the rest of the team give weird looks.

"Like I just told Archer I walked into a door this morning."

JJ tried her best not to laugh but bit her lip smiling to herself. Emily raised her eyebrow turning around and looking at Derek seeing him stare at JJ. As the team carried on with the profile and figuring out who the unsub was JJ got up heading over to the coffee machine. She turned around she bumped into Derek. He stood in front of her so she couldn't move.

"We need to talk"

"No, we don't"


"I can't keep doing this Derek"

Derek looked at her taking a deep breath, he saw the pain in her eyes along with the serious look on her face.

"I can't keep getting you back, and you keep hurting me. It's not fair I can't even trust you right now."


"No, I'm done Derek I can't have you screwing up my life anymore. I won't let you."

JJ looked down moving past him back into the conference room sitting down seeing everyone staring at her.

"You okay?"

JJ nodded biting her lip taking a sip of her coffee.

Derek stood there shocked he couldn't lose her not again. It wasn't even his fault. But he knew this time there was no turning back, he didn't know what to do. He ran his hand over his head. Walking back into the room ignoring everyone's stares. He needed to focus on the case. He didn't want to lose her but he knew it was a risk he had to take. Neither of them could let their relationship or now lack of relationship ruin there jobs neither of them would let that happen.


Finally, the team caught a break finding the unsub JJ and Emily entered the house guns raised. As JJ walked in she fell forward something hard-hitting her in the face. Emily let her gunfire. The man the unsub falling to the ground once she made sure he was down and not moving she bent down to see JJ seeing blood all over her face. JJ sat up slowly feeling the blood drip down her face.

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