Secret Love Part 13

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JJ woke up with a sharp pain running through her head, she opened her eyes slowly to see herself laid on her sofa, she looked around taking in the view of her living room and noticed nothing different she looked down at the coffee table to see it empty, she guessed she hadn't been drinking but she wanted to know why she had such a headache before she could answer her own question there was a loud bang on her door, she stood up slowly opening the door to see Derek stood there.


"Hey, can I come in I need to talk to you?"


JJ walked back into her Living room watching Derek close the door behind him, she sat down on the sofa rubbing her temples with her fingertips.

"You okay?"

"Not really, I woke up with a banging headache and I don't know why"

"You been drinking?"

"Not that I remember"

"Stay there I'll get you some tablets"

JJ laid her head back on the sofa hearing Derek move around the kitchen and running the tap, He came back in a few minutes later placing the glass of water and tablets onto the table. JJ opened the packet swallowing the tablets and gulping down the water.


"No problem"

"So what did you wanna talk about?"

"About yesterday"

"Yeah, I guess we need to huh"

"I don't wanna lose you and I don't wanna lose this job or the team"

JJ looked straight at Derek sadness written over both of there faces

"I don't want that either you're all my family but I spent all night thinking about this and the only answers I can come up with is us not been together"

"Your not the only one, but there must be a way"

"How you heard Hotch, it's not his choice."

"Then we do what we've been doing, hide it"

"And how long till they catch us again and then we both lose our jobs"

"I don't know but"

"God, why this everything so complicated"

"Because it is but there's one thing I'm sure of"

"And what's that" JJ looked at him curiously

"That I still love you "

JJ bit her lip running her hands through her hair.

"I know what we can do"

JJ sat up moving closer to Derek her lips crashing onto his, he wrapped his arms around her waist laying her down on the sofa, JJ move her arms around his neck, tilting her head as he started to kiss her neck, he moved his hands up her shirt feeling the Goosebumps appear onto her skin.


As the next couple of weeks went by, JJ and Derek had done well to hide their relationship once again they kept it low key and got on with work, as usual, both of them were on edge debating on whether the team knew they were back together and choosing to ignore it or not. As JJ was sat in her office going over some paperwork she heard a knock on her office door.

"Agent Jareau"


"I was wondering if I could have a word with you along with some other members of the team"

"Umm sure"

JJ put her pen down and moved from her desk following Strauss into the bullpen

"Agents, Morgan and Prentiss, Follow please"

JJ, Derek and Emily, all followed Strauss into Hotch's office all of them taking a seat not knowing what was going on.

"Now I bet your all wondering why you're all here?"

"Yes Mam" Hotch spoke up

"Well I have been looking into a lot of things and from what I have learned is that Agents Jareau and Morgan weren't the only ones breaking the rules"

"Excuse me?" Hotch said

"You know what I'm talking about Agent Hotchner, You and Agent Prentiss have also been in a hidden relationship"

"WHAT" JJ shouted

"You hypocrite"


"Now, look I know you all no the rules but since 4 members of one team are willing to break their rules there's only one thing I can do"

"Keep it out of the office and if any of you pull half to the stuff you two did last time I will start firing people"

They all watched as Strauss left the office, all four of them sat mouth wide open

"What just happened?" Derek questions

"I think she just said we can date as long as we keep it out of the office"

"Oh good, I think"

JJ smiled at Derek and then looked at Hotch and Emily

"How could you lie like that you gave us all that stick and you were actually fooling around like us with Emily"

"I'm sorry and I know "


"Don't okay I just"

JJ stood up leaving Hotch's office seeing Reid, Rossi, and Garcia stood in the bullpen. JJ ran off to her office ignoring everyone. Derek stepped to the door of Hotch's office

"You really need to decide who's team your on"

Derek went to find JJ and saw her sat in her office, He walked in closing the door behind him.

"Hey "


Derek walked around to JJ's desk pulling her up and sitting in her chair pulling her onto of him, JJ adjusted herself sitting in his lap laying her head onto his chest.

"How could they lie? She's meant to be my best friend"

"They were doing what we were doing protecting the person they love"

"I get that but, why tell us to choose when"

"I don't know that's for Hotch to answer but now about right now we focus on the good thing that just happened"

"That would be?"

"The fact Strauss just said we can be a couple"

"I no"

JJ smiled Widely wrapping her arm around Morgan's waist. As he placed a soft kiss to her forehead holding onto her closely.


JJ walked into her apartment to see Derek sat on the sofa drinking a beer


"Hey so I ordered a pizza it's on its way"

JJ kicked off her shoes and put her jacket on the stool in the kitchen as she walked over to the sofa, sitting down next to Derek

"Good cos I'm starving"

After they had eaten JJ went into the bedroom to change as she pulled the vest top over her head seeing Derek walk into the room, As she turned around she saw him pull his shirt over his head.

"That never gets old"

"Oh you know it's all for you"

JJ smiled widely walking towards him running her hand down his body, walking off back into the living room.

Everything was working out again they had each other back and they hoped it would last hoping nothing else would tear them apart.

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