Secret Love Part 17

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JJ was going to do the one thing she could do. The only thing she knew she could do to get over Derek. Seeing other people. Starting fresh. When she told him this she didn't know whether he really meant what he had said to her or whether he was lying so he didn't have to start another fight.


Since Derek had returned from his mothers he seemed to be okay with the fact of him and JJ was over, They were talking to each other once again, Not as much as everyone would like but they knew it would be hard. They were even okay with working together whilst on a case. JJ new she had to tell him today. Since she had decided to go on a girl's night out which always ended up with JJ been drunk and flirting with lots of guys.

She walked over to his desk sitting down on the edge crossing her arms over her stomach. Derek slowly raised his eyes up from her feet to her face whilst holding his pencil to his lips.

"You okay?"

"Yep," JJ said giving him a little smile.

Derek put his pencil down leaning back in his chair. Giving her a look telling her to let whatever it is she wanted to talk about out.

"I just wanted to tell you, that I'm going out tonight."

"Like on a date?"

"Girls night but, you never know what can happen right.!"

"Yeah, look Jay I don't wanna sound rude or mean but. Why are you telling me this?"

JJ pushed her lips together looking down at Derek.

"I just thought id let you know in case you hear so it's not awkward."

"Well, it wouldn't be, Jennifer. You broke up with me remember, You can do what you want. Not like I get a say anymore."

JJ took a deep breath standing up, walking away from his desk not replying to his answer. She sat down at her desk running her hands through her hair letting the tears fall from her eyes.

Derek waited until she had walked away before slamming his fist onto his desk. He leaned forward rubbing his hand over his head. He knew he shouldn't have been so harsh. But he needed to be, He needed to no, whether she wanted him back, but now he had his answer.



JJ walked into the bar seeing Penelope and Emily sat at there usual table drinks surrounding them, JJ sat down on the spare chair picking up the full beer bottle taking a long sip., downing half the bottle. Putting it down she looked at her two best friends giving hem a smile.



"That bad huh?"

"He basically told me I can do and sleep with whoever I want. And he can't have a say cause I'm the one who broke up with him."

Emily and Penelope looked at each other not knowing what to say. But they both knew JJ was going to do exactly that.

As the night went on the girls were getting pretty out of it. JJ epically she didn't care what she was doing or saying. After they had danced for a while. She found herself stood in the ally, getting some fresh air. Feeling the guy wrap his arms around her small waist pushing her against the wall pressing his lisp onto hers. JJ smiled returning the kiss running her hand up his back pulling on his hair.

She pulled away from the kiss closing her eyes feeling his lips move along her neck.

"Wait, not here."

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