Secret Love Part 25

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Chapter 25

Walking back from the bar, JJ placed the beers down onto the table, sitting back down In her seat, she took a large sip. Turning around she saw Derek walk in with a woman holding his hand.

"Who's that?" JJ asked, leaning towards Emily.

"Oh yeah, you haven't met her have you, that's Cassie, Morgan's new girlfriend," Emily said studying JJ closely.

"Oh," JJ said frowning her eyebrow.

" don't like him do you."

"What, Morgan? No." she said with a little laugh.

Grabbing her arm Emily dragged JJ outside. "Spill It."

Leaning against the railing JJ, felt the cold air brush against her skin.

"I don't like him."

"Then what's with the look on your face."

" I still love him," JJ said letting out a breath.

Emily went eye wide, staring at JJ. "Since when?"

"I don't think I stopped."


"Don't worry....I'm not going there. She bit down onto her lip, ruffling her hair.

"Why not?"

 "He's has a girlfriend, and I told him that I would pretty much never get back with him."

"Okay, I won't push you, you should go for him. Don't leave it before its too late."

Walking back into the bar, JJ took her seat, seeing Morgan heading towards them.

"Cassie, this is JJ."

"It's nice to finally meet you JJ, I've heard a lot about you."

"Nice to meet you too," she said smiling a little.

"Urgh, guys I'm not feeling well so I'm gonna call it a night."

"You sure gumdrop?"

"Yeah I just need a good nights sleep, I'll see you all at work tomorrow."

Grabbing her stuff, JJ bolted out of the bar before anyone could stop her, after catching a cab home, JJ walked into her apartment, pouring a glass of water, she changed and climbed into bed, snuggling up with her kitten, processing what had just happened.

The following Morning, JJ made her way into the bullpen, placing her stuff in her office, she made her way into the mini kitchen pouring a cup of coffee. Taking a sip of her cup, she looked up seeing Morgan making a cup.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" JJ said placing both her hands around her cup.

"You just left sort of quick last night."

"Oh. Yeah sorry, I've just got a bit of a cold, and haven't been sleeping much."

"So you feeling better?"

"Yeah," JJ said looking right at him. Before walking off.

Sitting down in her office, she took a deep breath, running her hands through her hair. She didn't even understand why she felt this way. She said she didn't have feelings for him, and now there she was, cursing at herself for letting the feelings come back. She just wished things could be simple, in which her feelings and his feelings never existed.


Landing on there latest case everyone was on edge, all of them hated working on cases that were to do with children. Making there way to the newest crime scene, Emily and JJ, made their way over to the body. Taking a deep breath, she felt the knot in her stomach, moving away from the body she covered her mouth.

"You okay?" Hotch asked watching her closely.

Nodding JJ took a deep breath. "Yeah...I...why would someone do that."

"Let's find this guy and fast."

After spending all day coming up with new leads the team called it a night, finding herself in the hotel bar, JJ drunk away from the images in her head, she couldn't believe how someone could torture a little kid and just dump there body. It made her feel sick to her stomach.

Downing another drink, she wiped her mouth, nodding towards the bartender.

As the last call came in, JJ stumbled onto the floor the team were staying on, leaning against one of the doors, she knocked, feeling her head spin, waiting for the door open, JJ pulled open the top buttons to her blouse, as the door opened she saw a half-naked Derek Morgan.


"Shhh," she said, pushing him through the door.

Closing the door, JJ guided him into the room. Watching her closely, he could her blouse was half open and she was very drunk.

"JJ you're drunk."

"NO! I'm tipsy there's a difference."

"JJ, what are you doing here?"

Sighing, she pushed him down onto the bed standing in front of him. "I miss you," she said tracing her hand along his bare chest.

Watching as her hand moved along his skin, he couldn't tell if she was been serious or just messing about. Looking right at her he saw the sparkle in her eyes. Leaning forward JJ, pressed her lips to Morgan's, feeling him return the kiss, placing his hand onto the bottom of her back.

JJ sat down in his lap, grabbing hold of his neck. Realizing what he was doing Derek, pulled away, pulling JJ to her feet.


"NO! not this time JJ, I got a girlfriend remember."

She let out a laugh. "Yeah...I don't like her."

Sighing, he guided her out the door and down the hall, placing his hand into her back pocket he pulled out her room key opening the door, guiding her in, he could see Emily's shadow seeing her fast sleep.

Sitting JJ down onto the bed, he pulled off her shoes, making sure she was comfy in bed.

"Sleep JJ." he whispered

"I love you," she said closing her eyes.

Closing his eyes, Derek took a deep breath making his way back to his room. Knowing that time she meant it.


The following Morning, JJ jumped out of her sleep hearing Emily's alarm. "Turn it off," JJ said pulling the covers over her head.

Letting out a laugh, Emily climbed out of bed, getting ready, she walked towards JJ's bed pulling the covers off her.

"Wow!...what did you do last night."

Sitting up, JJ placed her hand onto her head, looking at Emily.

"Other than drinking lots, I don't remember."

"Take these."

JJ took the tablets and downed the water. Climbing out of bed, she noticed her blouse was half open. "Oh god, what did I do."

After they were both ready, they made there way out into the hallway, clutching her head once again, JJ looked up seeing Derek, taking a deep breath she looked right at him.

"Oh god." she stood still

Emily looked at JJ confused, seeing Morgan, she raised her eyebrow letting out a little laugh. As everyone left there rooms they noticed JJ.

"You okay?" Reid asked.

"I'm great," she said closing her eyes.

As everyone made their way to the lift, Emily patted JJ on the shoulder. "What are the possibilities you didn't at some point end up in Morgans' room last night."

Letting out a crying sound, JJ started walking down the hallway to the lift "I'm such an idiot."


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