Scene 7

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Elphaba:It's absurd! This silly rich boy appears and everyone is off to warchship him and some stupid social gathering! 

Nessa:Even me! I'm going. Isn't it wonderful! Boq was too shy to ask me at first, but once Galinda encorigeorized him- 


Nessa:Don't! Don't you dare say another thing against her! I am about to have the happiest night of my life thanks to Galinda!(Sings) Finally for this one night, i'm about to have a fun night. With this Munchkin boy Galinda found for me. And I only wish there were something I could to for her to repay her. Elphaba, see. We deserve each other, and Galinda helped it come true. We deserve each other, me a Boq. Please Elphaba, try to understand! 

Elphaba:I do. 

Galinda:Do me up, do me up, do me up! Then I must accessorize myself for Fiyero! 

Sheshen: Galinda? What in Oz name?

Galinda: Uhh! Pretend you didn't see that! My granny is always buying me the most Hideodious hats! I'd give it away but I don't hate anyone that much! 

Sheshen & Pfanne: Yes you do! 

Galinda:No I couldn't! Could I? 

Elphaba:Galinda-My sister and I were talking about you just know- 

Galinda:And I was talking about you! I thought you might want to wear this hat to the party tonight!(Sings) It's really... Uh, sharp! Don't ya think? You know black, is this years pink! You deserve each other, this hat and you. You're both so, smart! You deserve each other, so Here! Out of the goodness of my heart!

Nessa:(The stage turns into a ballroom and everyone is dancing) What's in the punch? 

Boq:Lemons, and melons, and pears.

Nessa: Oh my! 

Bpq:(Sings) Listen Nessa 


Boq:Uh, Nessa. I've got something to confess, a reason why, well... why I've asked you here tonight. And I know It isn't fair. 

Nessa:Oh Boq. I know why 

Boq:You do...

Nessa: It's because I'm in this chair and you felt sorry for me. Well, isn't that right? 

Boq:No no! It's because... uh because... Because you are so beautiful! 

Nessa:Oh Boq! I think you're wonderful! And we deserve each other. Don't you see this is our chance? And we deserve each other, Don't we Boq?

Boq: You know what... Let's dance! 

Nessa:What? Boq: Let's dance!

Morrible: Miss Upland? 

Galinda:Madame Morrible? What are you doing here? 

Morrible:I have something for you.

Galinda: Oh, Madame! A training wand? How could I ever express my gratitution! 

Morrible:Don't thank me, this was your roomates idea. Not mine. 

Galinda:What? Elphaba? 

Morrible:Yes, Miss Elphaba requested you in my sorcery class. She insist I tell you this very night or she will quit the seminar. 

Galinda:But why?

Morrible: I have no Idea! My personal opinion is you do not have what it takes. I hope you prove me wrong! I doubt you will! 

Fiyero:What is it?

Galinda: I got what I wanted

Fiyero: So what's the matter? 


Fiyero:Good! Let's dance!(Elphaba Walks in wearing a black pointed hat. In split second she realizes Galida tricked her. The other students laughed and pointed) Who in Oz is that?

Galinda: My roommate. Please don't stare. 

Fiyero:How can you not? (Elphaba ignores the other students and stars to dance- Galinda feels horrible) I'll say this much: She doesn't give a twig what other people thinks

Galinda: Of course she does, she just pretends not to. I feel awful. 

Fiyero: Why? It's not like it's your fault. Excuse me (Galinda joins Elphaba on the dance floor and the students laugh at them) 

Galinda:Excuse me? May I cut in? 

All: Dancing through Life, down at the Ozdust. If only because Dust is what we come to. And the strange thing your life could end up changing while you're dancing... Through! 

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