Scene 12

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Glinda: Elphie! Elphie say something!

Elphaba: Uh, uh... I am Elphaba Thropp your terribleness! And this is my-

The wizard: Elphaba? Is that you Elphaba?! I didn't realise! 
(He steps out of the mask)

The Wizard: It's so hard to make out people's faces back there. Now, which is which. Elphaba? Oh Elphaba, a plesure! And you must be-

Glinda: Glinda the Ga is silent.

(They walk over to the mask)

The Wizard: Oh, I know it's a bit much but, people want this kinda stuff, so I have to give them what they want. 

Elphaba: I am so happy to meet you!

Wizard: Well, that's good. Because that's what I like best, making people happy. ( Sings) I am a sintemintal man. Who always long to be a father. That's why I do the best I can to treat each citizen of Oz as son or daughter. So Elphaba I'd like to raise you high. 'Cause I think everyone deserves the chance to fly! And helping you with your assent allows me to feel so parental. For I am a sintemental man.

Elphaba: Oh, your Ozness. You see we're not here for ourselves.

Glinda: We're not?

Elphaba: No. We're here because something bad is happining to the Animals.

Wizard: Oh, please. I'm the Wizard of Oz I already know why you've come.

Elphie and Glinda: Ohhhh

Wizard: Of course you must prove yourselves first.

Glinda: Right, prove yourself, prove yourself. 

Elphaba: But how?

Wizard: Madame the book!

(Morrible comes in with a book)

Morrible: Right away your Ozness!

Elphaba: Madame Morrible?! 

Wizard: Meet my new press secritary.

Elphaba: Press secritary?

Morrible: Yes, dearies I have risen up in the world. You'll find that the Wizard is a very genorus man. If you do  something for him, he will do much for you

Elphaba: But what would you like me to do?

Wizard: Well, my monkey servent Chistery watches the birds so longingly in the morning. 

Morrible: So your Ozness was thinking a levitation spell?

Glinda: Is that the Grimmerie?

Morrible: Yes, the aincient book of thormatory. 

Glinda: Can I touch it?

Morrible: No.

Elphaba: What funny writting

Morrible:It's a lost language. The lost language of spells. 

Wizard:Yes, a sort of recipe book for change. 

Morrible:Now don't be discouraged if you can't deciforate it. I can only read A spell or two and that took years- 

Elphaba: Ahben tahkey Ahben tahkey Aben atum ahben takayah entaya ah entaya Tifenta Ahben tahkey Ah! (Chistery starts to sqeal in pain and freak out) Chistery?! What's wrong?! Chistery?! Why can't he answer me?! 

Morrible: It's just the transition dearie.

(Chistery grows wings out of his back)

Glinda: You did it! You acctually did it! 

Elphaba: No he's in pain!  Quick how do i reverse it?! 

Morrible:You can't reverse a spell that's been cast! I knew she had the power! I told you!

Elphaba: You planned this? 

Morrible:Well, you benefit too dearie. 

Wizard:That was just the beginning! Look what you've done.(He opens up a giant cage revealing a lot of flying monkeys) Oh won't they make perfect spies! 


Wizard:Your right, spies is a harsh word. How about scouts? That's right they'll fly around Oz and report any subvirsid animal activity. 

Elphaba:You can't read this book at all, can you? That's why you need enemies,and spies and cages- You have no real power...

 Wizard:Exactly. That's why I need you! You see, the world is your oyster now. You have so many opportunities ahead of you! You both do! 

Glinda:Oh thank you your Ozness!

WizardL (Sings) The two of you it's time to raise you high. Yes! The time has come for you to have your chance to-

No!(Elphaba runs off stage)

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