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Excuse Mistakes

Waking from a cold sweat, her alarm blared through the house. She turned it off getting out of bed striping out of her clothes she walked into the bathroom turning the water on. She stared at herself wondering about her past.

Why wasn't she enough for her parents. Her fingeres roamed the scares that remained. She got into the cold shower washing quickly and getting dressed. She took her medicine and drinking her morning coffee.

Leaning against the counter she looked around her open loft. It was quite... No kids, no boyfriend,no family...just empty. This was her routine everything morning she'd wake up and wished for better things. She check her watched blowing out a breath she grabbed her things. Locking up she jumped into her G-Wagon pushing her thoughts to the back of her mind.


"Hey Chi, your 2 oclock is here in your office waiting." My assistant Jackie said.

"Wow early bird hmm, thanks Jay." I smiled. Walking into my office I was met with an intoxicating smell of Dior cologne and weed. Walking farther in i was met with a fine male species. He was a caramel complexion, that had tattoos covering his body. His pearly whites glisen as he smiled.

"Hi my fault I'm early, I got some things to do later do I wanted to get this out the way." He said. I smiled shaking his hand.

"It's fine Mr....?"

"Dave. Ma, you can call me Dave." He said.

"Okay so Dave what type of house are you looking for, or apartment, or wassup?" I said walking over to my desk.

"Well right now I'm looking for a 3 bed room something big, but small at the same time. My daughter is coming to live with me full time so I want her to be able to run around." He chuckled.

"Okay well I have a few ideas I know a loft close to where I live... beautiful view and with lots space and it's very open I actually part owner of the building so whenever your free we can go and take a look." I said handing him some papers.

"My numbers there so whenever you have questions feel free to call." I continued.

"Okay thank you Uchemba." He smiled.

"Just call me Chi." We shook hands and he was on his way. I sat at my desk puttin up these files when my phone rung.

"Hello?" I said.

"'s your mother." The voice said.

Right then I hung up the phone. I didn't have anything to say to them. They ruined me. Because of them nobody will ever love me. They totured me. And I wasn't gonna to allow them back into my life. Grabbing my things waking out of my office going to my lunch, until was stopped by Jackie.

"Hey are you okay?" She asked looking concerned.

"Uh yes iam fine boo, thanks I'm just tired and I have a headache." I said pretending to rub my forehead.

"We'll get some rest girl. Holiday coming up and it's finally our break." She smiled.


It was 7:30pm when I finally left the firm. And I was tired I can't wait till be don't this week and have my two weeks off. I stopped by Walmart to get a couple of things to eat for the house.

"Omg daddy can I please have this ice cream." A little girl  voice beam next to me.

"Kairi no know how you get you be to hyped for me I'll get it but you can't eat when I take you to Grandma's tomorrow." Dave said walking towards her. He picked her up and turned to me smiling. Damn that smile.

"Hey Ma, I mean Chi." He said.

"Hello Dave, and who do we have here." I asked. His daughter look just like him. Like dead like him.

"Im Kai." She giggled.

"Your very beautiful Kai." I smiled.

"What you getting into?" Dave asked.

"Nothing just getting some food my house I haven't been shopping in awhile." I shrugged.

"Well me and Kai finna go down to Mama Lou Soul Food, you care to tag along? on me." He said.

"You sure I mean-

"Yes, I'm certain come on." He said cutting me off.

Hey y'all I'm back against I know y'all tired of me but look I need a break from "More Then series" lmaoo but yea so this new book is just it I'm alrdy feeling it and no this will not be a series so VOTE AND COMMENT

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