Fuck your Sorry

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Watching Chi move around in the kitchen. Dave seen how she held it all in. She put in a smile the whole time. Trying not to shed a tear. She grabbed her chips and water walking onto the patio. The kids were sound asleep.

Stripping out if his clothes n throwing some sweats on and a hoodie Dave walked out in his slides.

"May I join you." He asked.
She nodded popping a chip in her mouth.

"Chi since when do we hide things from each other?" I said grabbing her chips .

"Dave I-

"I'm talking chi, I told you. Not to be around this nigga, I told you to stay home. And he hurts you am and scars my child. Chi I love you to Death, you know if something happen to you I'd lose my mind. I don't know what's happening to us." I said looking at her. Because I really didn't.

"I was with him a lot before and after...you were in the hospital. He helped me get through it, I ddint know that was gonna happen." She yelled.

"Chi! Of course your didn't. I'm not saying you getting raped is your fault at all. I'm saying you being laid up with a nigga while your man! Is in the hospital Is backwards.

"Technically you ain't my man or my fiance." She said standing up.

"Chi put that ring back on." I said.

"I don't wanna do this. We have to many problems. And we're going in different directions. I love you Dave, I'm in love with you. But....I can't do this." She cried standing.

"Cant do what? This isn't is this is us. We are gonna get married and fix shit, therapy everything. You just gonna run like always. You just gonna throw away our family. I been down witchu since the jump chi. This shit doesn't change about how I feel about you!" I said.

"Its NOT ABOUT YOU! OKAY! I don't wanna be with you aight, comprehend! I just need my space... I'm so-

"Fuck your sorry." I said standing up walking out.

I heard the door slam, knowing he left broke my heart even more. But this isn't about him. This is about me. I shook my head wiping my tears drowning my water. Going into the house. I walked into my room seeing Kai laying in my bed causing me to sighed.

Climbing next to her pulling her close I shedded a few tears. I didn't know what I was doing. But it felt right I just needed to get myself together before even giving myself to dave.

Closing my eyes I let the slumber take over me. Lets see what tomorrow brings.
Waking up I heard noises coming from my living room. Walking out I seen Dave and Josh talking.

"Good morning Chi." Josh said.

"Your moving out?" I asked Dave. I seen Kai walking out with her backpack.

"You taking her?" I said.

"I'll have the twins and Kai whenever and come over to see them and u can have Kai whenever. I'm be there for my kids no doubt. I'll text you the address." Dave said walking out.

"Bye mommy, I love you, I'll see you later." Kai said kissing my cheek.

"Just give it time chi."Josh said hugging me.

I watched them pull off. I close my door sighing.  Hopefully things get back.

"Ma ma ma." I heard Brooklyn babble. I smiled picking him up and milani.

"My babies....my loves" I said kissing them both.

The end

Sooooooo I'm thinking a sequel👀👀hmmmm yes they was cute. But....shit happens..But what y'all think about chi?

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