Without Explanation

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Chi🌻(excuse and misspelling)

Dave has been working for the past 2 weeks. And I mean working, sleep, back to work. We barely talk he just shutting me out. Tonight I'm cooking dinner and just relax with each other.

It was 7:30 and I was setting the table waiting for him to walk through. I changed clothes into a T-shirt and sat at the table scrolling through my phone. I plan on telling Dave that I'm pregnant. I know he'd be happy even tho it's to soon, but we both knew the risk. Even tho I was on birth control.

Chichi- I just wanted to show my face 😛😛Liked by 133,557, comments 59

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Chichi- I just wanted to show my face 😛😛
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DaveCuh- Ain't nun cooler then being ya dad💙💯Liked by 167,900 Comments off

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DaveCuh- Ain't nun cooler then being ya dad💙💯
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It was 11:30 and I was still at the table. I tried calling his phone but it was going straight to voicemail. I understand Dave misses Kai but damn. I'm here for him. I put up the food and sat on the couch with my blanket.

Hearing the door closed I opened my eyes to see Dave going straight to the room to shower. Looking at the time it was 3:30am. I grabbed another blanket n my pillow going into the guest room.

Im not tryna be selfish but I miss her too. Shit I miss everything. Kai was like my daughter too. I can't imagine my own child getting taking away. I Kno he hurting but I'm not gonna discard his feelings....I love him.

I laid down getting comfortable.
"Why you in here." He said standing by the door.

"Why do you care.....just let me sleep Dave." I said.

"The fuck you have an attitude for?" He said turning on the light and snatching my covers.

"Why so you care! These past weeks you've been ignoring me coming home late. Fuck Dave I miss her too! Im worried about her too. Your not alone I'm right here with you!" I yelled.

"Chi don't, aight you don't know shit." He said walking away. And of course I followed.

"Dave I'm tryna be there for you I understandhow your feeling. But, don't shut me out." I said.

"You don't know shit she's not your fuckin child, you never had a child. So no Chi you don't fuckin understand." He yelled.

He turned away from me while I stood silent. "I do.... being in foster care, having a mother n father to betray you, miss and wanting something I fuckin know." I went into the bed room grabbing my duffle bag putting a few clothes inside.

I felt Dave's arms around me. "No Dave! Fuck you okay." I said still putting clothes in the bad.

"Baby stop. Chi stop I'm sorry. I'm just I don't know what to do. I'm supposed to protect her." He said.

Stopping I turned around to him. "I know...I'm sorry. I just wanna be there for you. Im worried u can't just get outta control she needs you to be strong for her." I said.

"I know baby I'm trying...mom sorry forgive me?" He said kissing my lips.

"If you get me more pickles I will." I cheesed.




I sat in my office filling out paperwork, when Sophia walked in.

"Hey." She said.


"Well I just wanted to prepare you. I've did your house overview you passed. I even say down with Kairi she said positive things about her father and Chi.
This should be easy, but there will be a fight. Your mom is siding with you baby mama. So you will see them in court. I don't want you to get worked stay positive." She said.

"How's my daughter." I asked. I can't believe my mama. I know my daddy turning in his grave.

"She good, I wanted you permission for her to testify. Say things and etc it would look good." She said.

"Yea most def. I just need her home Sophia. Me and Chi been arguing. Kai is out glue. I need my babygirl." I said rubbing my head.

"And you will...shell be home. I have to go I'll see you next week at the hearing." She said walking out.

I can't believe my mom....and Dylan she's been unfit since Kai been born. She not even on the birth certificate. Shady asf. I love my mama but she don't went to far. And I hope she can stand on her own two feet because I doing shit else her.

Stopping at Chipotle I grabbed me and Chi dinner and headed home. Walking in I seen Chi washing a few dishes.

Her booty done got bigger, she got even more thicker, and she been clingy even more as well.

"Baybee let's eat." I said. We sat at the table talking bout our day.

"How was work." I asked.
"It was cool, my feet just hurt so no more heels." She said.

"I bet , dogs was screaming." I joked.

"Dave." She said.

"Wassup baby."

"Do you want more kids." She asked.

"Nope. I mean I do but not right now. I just expanded my shop in ATL. I'm just tryna live before it goes back to diapers...sooo I really don't want kids right now at all." I laughed.

"I feel it." She said. She stood up throwing her food in the trash she didn't even finish it. "Yoo you just through 20$ away." I yelled as she went into the room.

She came out with her duffle bag and my hoodie on. "Where you going?" I stood up grabbing her arm before she could get out the door.

"Oh my bad I though I told you....I'm spending a night at Jackie's....she misses me and we haven't had a girls night. I'll be fine I'll call you." She kissed me and hurried out.

I just stood there shocked and frozen. Like what just happened. Closing the the front door. I seen a stick on the floor, reading the words on it


Daaaaaaaamm so yep there it is. Vote and comment 🌻💙

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