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"Dada do my hair pretty otay." Kairi said. This girl swore I was a hairstylist.

"I'ma try princess. What you wanna eat today?" I asked.

"Pizzzzzzaaaaaa dada with french fries!!!! She yelled.

"Aight aight." I said finishing her ponytail, I put our jackets on and headed out.  I invited Josh out with his Son to kick it with me and Kairi. I didn't have no clients until tomorrow. Pulling up to Shakey's I grabbed Kai and she gasped.

"Omg daddy! It's D daddy! She wiggled out my arms running to Josh's son Deyon. We all walked in and took our seats

"Wassup nigga what you been on." I said.

"Not shit, just chilling taking care of lil man dealing with his crazy ass muva....niggaa you did Kai hair." He giggled.

"Yeah nigga I did pretty good too hater. Nah but I been talking to this girl. But other then that been chilling. Ready to head to the A

"Pause nigga a giiiiiirl? You Dave? Talking to a fem. She gotta be sent from god to get yo mean ass." He laughed.

"Nigga she got my whole attention, she wife material and all, baby banging personality,body, had a job...but I'm still getting to know her." I said.

"Damn you in deep I can see it in yo face. She must be a good gal." He wiggled his eye brows.

"Yeah....but....I haven't her this whole week. Some shit happened on our date her mom poped up and some crazy shit went down and yeah... should of seen her face shit look so horrified mix with anger." I said sighing picturing her face.

"Nigga go to her house."

"I can't do that I'ma look like a stalker."

"No your gonna look like a nigga who cares and you letting her know I'm here for you. Period." He shrugged biting his burger.

"Watch Kai tonight for me." I said.

"Nigga yo daughter don't even like me remember last time she spent the night. Her ass dropped all my weed and jeweler in the toilet." He said staring at kai sticking his tongue out.

"My baby sweet. It was an accident." I kissed her head laughing.

"Yeah whatever. Both them together eviiil." He such a crybaby my daughter sweet asf. But let her try that shit wit me I'm sending her to my mom's.

Speaking of mother's I haven't talked to her in a minute I'ma stop by before I head to chi crib.


"Yo mama!" I yelled.  Walking into the kitchen she was eating pie and  doing her daily scratchers with the neighbor Todd. I liked him. I know they feeling each other thinking they slick.

"Hey baby. How are you." She grabbed my hand.

"I'm good.. I miss you."

"I miss you too."

Me and my mom we never really said our sorrys it was always miss you because we would avoid each other. But I love her that was my dawg she could never do no wrong in my eyes. I could trust her. After eating and chatting it was 7:30 and I was on my way to Chi's house. Josh was right I need to be there her, show her I care. I grabbed some soul food before making my full way to her crib.

I asked the door lady what number was her of course I had to lie and say I'm her brother. Going up I stood in front of her door... Here goes nothing.



I woke to knocking. I grabbed my phone seeing the time and all the miss calls I had. Grabbing my robe I tied it opening the door to be met with Dave.

"H-hey..what you doing here?" I asked.

"You wasn't answering,you wasn't at work, I been worried. I haven't talked to you all week...nor seen you mama. Talk to me." He said sincerely.

"Dave I'm fine I just been tired and busy." I lied.

"Your lying, you just looked down and you blinked. Chi don't lie to me because I wont to you. I'm here for you I wouldn't have drove this far if I didn't...and I brought you soul food." He said.

I smiled letting him." We talked and ate and I told him what happened. He was so understanding and caring. Never met someone who could just listen and just I don't know show kindness. Dave was something.

"Dave." I said. We laid cuddles up in my bed as he rubbed my bare thigh.

"I never had this, I never been on this level with anyone." I said.

"I know..that's why I'ma make sure you experience with me. I won't never hurt you intentionally. I'ma always be here for you together or not Chi." He said.

I leaned up kissing his lips. He kissed me back depending it pulling me on too of him.

"Go to sleep mama." He kissed me one last time holding me tight as I did him. Letting sleep take over us.

Omg like ugh I need a Dave y'all wtf niggas ain't on no love Jones type shit in this generation

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