Dead To Me

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I been in bed with Kai cuddle up next to me. Chi was sleep on the other side of me. Both my girls knocked. It was 2am and I couldn't sleep. I just kept thinking about all the shit Kai told me.


"Okay it was... Robert daddy he hits me and says mean things to me. And I tell Mommy and she doesn't do anything. And grandma always leave me with them.

"Mommy?... Dylan Kai. Dose grandma know you don't like it there." I asked.

"I tell her I don't wanna go with them. But she say she my mommy. And Robert tell me you no love me that's why you leave me. He plays the game with me..m..I have to sniff the sugar and if I don't he..he holds it to my face." She started crying.

"I'm Soo sorry Kai. I'm sorry." I said wiping her face.

"Daddy please don't make me go back." She said.

"I won't I promise. Never again." I said.

End of flashback

Leaned up getting outta of bed walking to the balcony. My mind wasn't letting me sleep at all. I haven't spoken to my mom, I told her I'll be by once Kai is better because I wanna see who this Robert nigga is touching my child. And Dylan...I might have to kill this bitch.

"Baby." Chi said wrapping her arms around me.

"I wake you." I asked.

"Babe...I know you have alot on your mind.......but i just want you to breath and handle things the right way. Kairi can't loose you." She whispered.

" I know mama.....I'm just hurt.. I'm hurt that my mama would even allow this shit." I said.

"Me neither honestly." She said.

"How you feeling?" I asked her. She been feeling sick these past days.

"I feel better, speaking of better I want some pickles....dill pickles." She said.

"You don't even eat dill pickles, you bought those for me." I said.

"Well I had a burger the other day after work....and I enjoy them now." She said walking away.



I took a pickle out the jar and some hot Cheetos out. If y'all wondering yes iam in fact pregnant. Am I gonna tell Dave of course....not. I don't want him to leave me. It happened before.

Plus look at how things are right  now. Kai just came home all this drama. It just be too much. Plus Dave said he wanted to wait till marriage. It's all messed up.

"You okay. I been standing here talking to you. What's on your mind." He asked coming around the counter.

"I'm okay, I seen my dad at the hospital the other day." I whispered.

"Did you talk to him."

"No..we just started at each other and I walked away. He looked like he saw a ghost. That's the first time I seen him in years." I said. I could feel myself starting to cry.  Ugh these fuckin hormones.

"Come here mama." He said opening his arms.

"I just I don't if I should talk to them. They hurt me so bad Dave." I cried.

"It's not for's for you. You need this closure. Mamas you gotta close this chapter in your life and move on. You can't keep letting them hold you back from shit. Because while they got this hold on you, your fading back to that place you use to be without even knowing." He said.

"Your right, I'ma see em tomorrow then. While you and Kai go to your mom's to talk." I said.

He pecked my lips. "Then we can all goout to eat."

"Yea sounds good. Come on let's get to bed baby." I said pulling his arm.



I been out all day with Kai procrastinating from going to my moms. I just don't wanna believe she allowed this to happen. It was five o'clock and I was pulling up in her driveway.

"Mama!" I yelled going inside.
She came walking downstairs. As I kept Kai in my arms.

"Hey baby. Hi Kai." She said. Kai tighten her arms  my neck.

"Ma we need to talk." I sad as we sat down.

"You let Dylan around Kai mom." I asked staring at her. She was quite for awhile didn't say anything and I knew she was guilty.

"Mama you let her ass around my child with some nigga! Are you stupid." I yelled.

"Watch yo mouth boy!"

"Nah watch out! She could of died because you wanna play grandma of the year! This shit ain't no game why you think me and Dylan broke up, she irresponsible asf she don't know what to do with a kid. And you let her, wait not just her but some nigga around my daughter...that you don't even know. What kind of grandma are you." I yelled. All she could do was cry and say sorry like are you really.

"Where they at ma?" I yelled.

"They left after what happened to Kai."

"Kai show me the room." I said.
She pointed towards my dad's room. I unlocked the door to see the room trash and I could feel tears form. I heard someone walking. I turned to see the police and Sophia.

"Hello Mrs East we are here for Kai." The Police officer grabbed Kai and I zoomed right over.

"Hey put her down what the fuck is going on." I yelled tyna reach my daughter.

"Your mother called saying this child has been neglected. She will be put in out custody from now. You will habe a court hearing on the 2nd of next month....I'm sorry Dave but I can help you get her back. I know your not a bad father I can tell but it's my job to follow." She whispered. She left with Kai who was screaming.

I felt my whole world crashing down. My shit was falling apart. They took my baby. The only thing you kept me high.

I turned around to my mother to see her crying. "I didn't mean to Dave, I didnt."

"Y-you supposed to be my bestf and you the enemy now. You can't fix this......from here on out you dead to me. You let them people take my child, your grandchild, you let the white man take my fuckin child, you let them druggies trash my father's room.... You ain't shit to me." I said walking out.

Shaking my fuckin head. Ahahaha y'all though mama east was gonna be on good terms nooope nope 😿poor Kai
Mama East fuckin up everything. Vote and Comment 😛🌻💙

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