What Happened

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2 months later


"Dave these pills aren't helping you. It's making you more aggressive and I don't fuckin like it. What's happening to you." Chi yelled.

"Chi leave me the fuck alone. I can't fuckin sleep aight. You got me paranoid because you paranoid telling me mfs following you. After I told you don't fuckin leave the house."

Dave I'm grown! I work! Fuck this!" She ran and grabbed his pills dumping them all in the toilet.

Dave stood and watched her laughing. He been stressed all week. Kiari mom just got outta jail, he had to drop and album, plus work on shit with mike. Plus worrying about chi and the kids being safe. He felt like chi didn't understand.

"You fuckin ungrateful. I been working my ass, off tryna make sure our family is safe!! You wanna talk about grown. What if them niggas would of kidnap you. Or took the twins. Oh better yet killed ya ass. I don't tell you shit just to tell you. You fuckin dumb! Dumb b." He he grabbed his coat getting ready to leave.

Chi ran to the door. "Your not leaving! Your always running." She yelled.

"I'm not you, now move out the way before I move you." He said. She crossed her arms still standing. Picking her up he through her on the couch. Leaving out he slammed the door.

Flashback over


Thanks I needed a break....well we needed a break together I guess." Chi said

"Yeah same, shit been hectic. But shit will get better." He said.

"I hope so." Chi leaned her head on his shoulder. Devin wrapped his arms around her as she laid on his shoulder. These past two months chi had been spending with Devin. Her and Dave wasn't really talking much. Ever since this Mike situation shit been off the roof. Devin was happy she came to him. He missed her. And seeing chi all grown up ..he was more attracted to her then he already was.

Walking in the house at 2am chi saw Dave feeding an 9month year old milani in his arms. She stared a bit hoping he looked her way but he didn't. He put everything on pause..until his family was good. He wasn't fuckin with these late night show ups. But he couldn't complain from all the studio time he had.

Chi showered. And the only thing on her mind was Devin how he was so understanding. She missed Dave so much. She wishes things were the same. Climbing out the tub and getting right into bed. She pretend to be sleep. Dave would check if she was sleep pull her close and whisper in her ear things he couldn't tell her when she was awake.

She knew he was going through it. But she didn't want him addicted to em.

Feeling Dave pull her close. He whispered an I love you before snuggling up with her.

Me and my boys sat at the strip club kicking it. I needed this relaxer. After all the shit that's been going on.

Throwing money at a few of the strippers, I made sure they was 6ft. I was loyal and I didn't need no bitch tryna fuck up on me. But they don't listen. Getting up going to the back. A red bone approach me.

"Dave East ima fan, can I get a picture." She said smiling wide.
Turning towards her she kissed me. Seeing a flash go off I pushed her.

Josh came running. "Aye bitch the fuck wrong with you!" We said.

"She giggle walking away. "You taste good, Jessica says hi as well." She said skipping out.

"What the fuck yo." Josh said.
"I know. I need a fuckin drink." I said. This was some bullshit.
Walking into the house taking a shower, chi was sound asleep. Checking on the kids, I made my way back to the bedroom getting into bed calling it a night.

"Fuck that was good, never been here before." Devin groan.
After chi seen the pics all over the place of Dave smacking with a stripper. She left. She didn't say nothing just left. Fuck Dave she felt. He didn't care about his family. Now some stripper bitch telling the world my man dick good. Proof in the pudding.

"You beautiful chi." Devin said staring at her drinking his wine.

"Stooop it." Chi said, as they walked out. Grabbing her hand he pulled her close. "You are....you deserve someone who will kisss the ground u walk on. Baby girl foreal." He said kissing he cheek. Grabbing her hand leading her to the car.

Little did they know paparazzi was everywhere.
Walking in she seen Dave and Josh talking. Dave looked at her. "Where you been?" He asked as she ignored him.

"Yo why tf are you hugged up with some nigga? Oh now u can't answer!" He said standing.

"So the fuck what! Leave me alone dave I'm grown, I can have friends." She said moving around in the kitchen.

"You right you are grown, but your married chi."

"Ha! Nigga engaged ...and ion even wanna be anymore." She said

"The fuck you mean! Chi you fuckin him?" Dave yelled.
Chi knew she wasn't but she didn't care about nothing but hurting Dave...because he hurt her.

"Yup. I fuckin did. And lets say his dick better then yours!" She yelled.

They stood there until Dave started laughing. And Josh stood up but not fast enough. Dave had his hands around chi neck in 2.6 seconds.
Josh pulling him off. "Dave chill!"

"I have been nothing but a good man! You wanna CHEAT ! Well fuck you Chi!" He yelled. As tears welled up in his eyes. He grabbed his keys leaving out the front door.

Josh helped Chi up from the floor. "You okay." He asked.

"Yea....He so mad but he cheated on me with a stripper...it's everywhere." She cried.

"He didn't cheat chi....Jessica set up everything. That's why I was here to talk about getting these muthfucks." Josh said. And that right there broke her heart.

How could she be so stupid, she knew Dave wasn't no cheating nigga. She just up and went to Devin didn't even ask no questions.

"I fucked up." Chi whispered.
"I know." Josh said rubbing her back.

Fuckin Chi smh...FUCKIN JESSICA...
What Mike plan to do 👀👀

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