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CW: Vague mentions of riot

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CW: Vague mentions of riot.




Elian groaned as he watched the politician go on endlessly about their legacy.

Elian hated this.

Ashwin, the reporter he was with, had gone in the front hoping that he would be able to ask him questions. Elian liked Ashwin, he did, he is wonderful at what he does but at the same time he knew that Ashwin wouldn't get anything but the generic answers, chosen methodically by the PR‌ team.

Elian panned his camera around, the auditorium was a decent size, it could fit about 500 or so people. Being part of the media, he was in the very front, near to the make-shift stage.

Though the main spectacle wasn't the politician himself, but rather the protesters, very common during the election time. He zoomed in on the protesters, standing behind some metal barricades.

"Elian!" Came the warning voice of his boss from his ear-piece. He rolled his eyes as he pivoted his camera back to the stage.

Elian hated this bitch too. He had been assigned to her after the last stunt that he pulled, well he had been the one to choose this career, but the good thing was this was just for two months.

Elian couldn't care less about any of this, he wanted to be back on the field, shooting documentaries or covering issues that mattered, but alas he was stuck here having to listen to some fool drone on about shit.


Felix groaned as he watched the protesters getting violent. He couldn't care less about what they were protesting, probably something very important, maybe it was the frequent power cuts they were getting for the last one month, he had a hard time sleeping because of it, maybe it was the building of the new mall down the road, media had droned on and on about the corruption and the foul play behind it, maybe it was simply them protesting against this politician.

He and his team were stationed at the front, the right-side of the stage, near to the protestors. Ready for anything. In all his five years, as a police officer, he has seen many protests, from calm to violent.


A shower of questions poured down upon the politician, as soon as the speech ended and the media were given the get-go..

"What do you want to say to the people who are rioting?" One of the reporters asked.

Elian sighed as he followed his boss's order through the earpiece and zoomed in on the politician. "They say that you were only able to become our representative after you bribed the party."

The politician frowned, breathing deeply, "Don't believe them they have been paid off by the opposition party to butcher my name and legacy."

"A bunch of lunatics, that's what they are."


Both Elian and Felix had thought.

Pandemonium had fallen upon them the moment the politician had uttered those words, mocking the people who had spent days in front of the auditorium rioting and marching.

The crowd was angry as they charged past the shield of policemen, attacking and screaming curses against the politician.


Thanks for reading!

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