Code 8

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"Elian, Hi!" Hector greeted as he watched Elian come, two packets of burgers in his hand, ushering Elian into the surveillance room.

"Hi Officer Abraham...You know my name." Elian asked, happy at the welcoming gesture as he passed on one packet to Hector.

"Of course, I am sorry for not recognizing you earlier, you are pretty famous here." Hector admitted, "Felix should have at least introduced us."

"...Felix?" Elian asked confused.

"Anyway, I am Hector." Hector introduced himself formally, "The squad may be energetic so I am apologizing for them in advance."

"No no, that's not a problem." Elian chuckled, following Hector into the security room.

"Hi!" They all greeted warmly, standing up.

"Hi!" Elian greeted back, "I am Elian---" He started only to be cut off by a string of 'we know'.

"Wow! Didn't know I was this famous." Elian said shocked, as he placed the packet on one of the tables.

"You are, all the other guys at work know you too especially since Felix, you know," Ola said as she went forward to take the burgers.

"Burgers! I understand why Felix likes you." Keir commented, copying Ola.

"You know we all watched all 3 hours of your documentary on ballet in one sitting and we don't even know ballet," Aaliyah said.

"Wow really!" Elian asked, suddenly shy at the attention he was getting, smiling bashfully, his boxy smile on display.

"Yes! Thank Felix for introducing you to us." Keir added.

"Um...where is he?" Elian asked, amused at all the compliments.

"Hi, Guys!" Felix greeted, his voice turning into a squeak at the end.

"Officer!" Elian waved back, coming forward to greet the other, not realizing that both of them have red faces. "I didn't know that you knew me."

"Yeah well... you could say," Felix replied, his hands going back to rub his nape unknowingly.

"Please..." Hector said, "Officer Felix over there is a big fan of you, aren't you Felix?" Hector added, with a smirk.

Felix threw daggers at Hector with his glare as he turned back towards Elian, even the tip of his ears was now red, "Hi, I am Felix." Felix mumbled out, grateful that he didn't stutter.

"And I am Elian," Elian replied with an amused smile.

"I know that."

"So, do I"

"Seeing as Felix is looking constipated as fuck, can I eat his share of burgers too?" Keir questioned, in between bites.


Thanks for reading.

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